Chapter 1001, Universal Ascension!

There were countless civilizations in the never-ending DAO domain. To ascend, one needed a long period of time, as well as the overall ascension of both individuals and races. Only then could the level of civilization slowly rise.

But there was also a shortcut!

This shortcut was to devour the stars that had fused with other civilizations. It would enslave all existences within the other civilization, both fundamentally and spiritually, thus raising the level of their own civilization’s stars.

Once the level of the stars was raised, it would be like water overflowing, and a phenomenon known as spirit feed would appear. This phenomenon could allow all the life in the civilization to be born here, in an instant, the essence of life would be raised, and it would affect the changes in cultivation. It could even allow some people’s cultivation to instantly rise, and it could even allow cultivators who had been stuck at a certain realm for a long time to break through.