Chapter 1058 atonement!

You are evil.

This is my young mistress’favorite saying.

But I think I am innocent, because my life is different from theirs, and as a weapon, I think my fate should not be a decoration.

But my young mistress says I am quibbling.

It doesn’t matter, as an old man, I don’t care what a little girl thinks, but for some reason, when she says I am evil, I am a little unhappy, so I think... I will not eat her first, i want to see her holding me, step by step towards the same evil as me.

I will definitely succeed.

But... compared to her saying I was evil, I didn’t like her eyes more, those eyes were very pure, like a mirror, let me see myself from the inside... at the same time, those eyes were filled with pity, this made me feel more uncomfortable, I hate pity, hate purity, I want to eat her.

But I resisted, I wanted to see, the day she became like me, would there still be such pity in her eyes, would there still be such purity in her eyes as the stars.

In the first year, I failed.