Chapter 1085 The Old Beggar!

Time passed. Thirty years had passed since Sun De’s story about Luo Yugu’s struggle for immortality ended.

Thirty years was basically half of a mortal’s life. Too many changes could occur, and too many twists and turns could occur. For this small county, although there were groups of children who were born, grew up, married, and had children,.

But there were also batches of people who fell into decline, became frustrated, grew old, and died.

But what didn’t change was the county itself. Whether it was the buildings, the city walls, the yamen courtyard, or... the teahouse from back then.

It was still the same as it had been in the past. Even though it was damaged, overall, there didn’t seem to be much change. The only changes were that there were fewer broken tiles in the houses, fewer bricks on the city walls, and fewer plaques in the yamen courtyard, also... There were fewer storytellers in the teahouse.