Chapter 1091 does not become a god!

“Thank you, fellow Daoist, for your help!”

Almost at the instant Xu Yinling bowed gratefully, all the cultivators on the thirty-nine giant beasts’faces changed instantly. They all looked at Wang Baole.

Shock was written all over their faces. Many of them were in a daze. The sound that Wang Baole had made when he knocked on the table just now had an indescribable power, as if it had affected the laws, it had the ability to make one’s soul tremble.

Everyone who heard it felt their souls shake. They watched as the mysterious black-robed man disintegrated and dissipated under the sound. This scene immediately made everyone feel a deep sense of respect, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe. At the same time, strong doubts surfaced in their hearts.

“This Wang Baole... Something’s Not Right!”

“Why do I feel that after he walked out of this trial, his entire person has undergone an indescribable change? There’s a strange aura about him!”