Chapter 1093 didn’t count!

The sky was clear, and the sun shone on the land. It fell on the mountain peaks, the mountain ranges, and the sea. The entire world was vast and boundless. One couldn’t see the end of it no matter how high one stood.

It was as if the size of the world was infinite according to one’s understanding. If one thought that the world was small, then it might really be small. However, if one thought that the world was huge, then... there was no limit to how big it could be.

This place is very strange! Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. He realized that he was no longer on the crater island of the fated star. There was no longer the fated book in front of him. Instead, he was standing at the peak of a mountain that reached into the clouds, it was as if it wanted to compete with the heavens for height.

Clouds swirled around him, and a whimpering wind filled the air. The mountain peak beneath his feet was covered in snow due to the difference in temperature from the mountainside.