Chapter 1102, three-foot-long Black Wood!

Wang Baole saw with his own eyes that on the continent within the body of the vast beast, as countless cultivators worshiped and worshiped, the statue of the elder standing in the middle of the continent transformed from a statue into flesh and blood, until it opened its eyes.

At the same time, an even stronger palpitation, accompanied by a resonance that made Wang Baole tremble, suddenly emerged from within the light ocean universe of the never-ending DAO domain!

“This feeling...”Wang Baole turned his head abruptly. In that instant, across the starry skies, across the light ocean universe, he saw countless cultivators in the never-ending DAO domain kneeling and worshipping!

What they worshipped... was a vortex!

It was a vortex that connected to an unknown place. As everyone worshipped it, and as the vast expanse patriarch, who was the statue inside the giant pale Beast’s body, stared at it, a piece of wood appeared within the Vortex!