Chapter 1143, the nine stoves!

With the mystic flower divine emperor’s order, the hundred thousand-plus unending clan warships immediately buzzed. The unending clan cultivators within them increased their strength, drawing in more of the Unending Heavenly Dao Aura, turning them into green clouds, the clouds fell into the gray starry sky.

At the same time, Wang Baole went into a frenzy. Large amounts of black hair surged into his body and were absorbed by his intrinsic sword scabbard. Then, they were fed back to nourish his physical body, forming a cycle, wang Baole was almost oblivious to his surroundings.

Little Five and the donkey were excited as well. Even though they didn’t dare rush into the Sea of black hair, they did their best to devour it from the outside. It was the same for the little black fish.

However, after looking at the donkey and Little Five, it had a look of disdain on its face. It flew into the Sea of black hair and opened its mouth... swallowing hundreds and thousands of black hair!