Chapter 1165 was different!

“Baole, do you know what the Heavenly Dao Is?”Chen Qingzi turned to look at the distant dark sky. His voice was filled with emotion. He didn’t wait for Wang Baole’s reply. Chen Qingzi continued speaking as if he was muttering to himself.

“The Heavenly Dao is not a living being. It is the gathering of the thoughts of all living beings within a tribe, a sect, or any faction. When the tribe becomes the main body of the world, they can set rules and laws. Those who do not obey will be traitors and will be killed. Gradually, when all living beings obey, the will of the tribe will become the Heavenly Dao.”Chen Qingzi’s voice rang out, a faint voice drifted into Wang Baole’s ears.

Wang Baole was silent. He didn’t know much about the Heavenly Dao, but he had made his own judgment after experiencing all the previous lives.