Chapter 1180 extinguishing the lamp

“It’s still incomplete.”At the lowest level of the Dark Emperor Tomb, an elder sat cross-legged beside the coffin. He had a smile on his face. Even though he exuded the aura of old age, his smile was the same as ever. It was the same warmth and love that Wang Baole had felt in his dark dreams, it was the same warmth and love.

His gaze landed on Wang Baole’s eyes and melded into his heart. The many hardships that Wang Baole had suffered over the years seemed to have been resolved a little. All that was left was calmness and peace.

“Master...”Wang Baole looked at the figure in the depths of the Dark Emperor’s tomb. A smile gradually appeared on his face. He didn’t ask why it was incomplete. Instead, he stood up and walked towards the passageway formed by the huge crack in the black seawater below, he walked forward step by step.