Chapter 1184 was submerged!

Chen Qingzi was silent.

Ming Kunzi’s gaze remained the same, and he didn’t say a word.

All the dark sect cultivators around lowered their heads. They were unable to participate in this matter, nor were they able to participate. Only the male and female quasi-dark children, who were split into yin and yang, had a look of unwillingness in their eyes. They glanced at Wang Baole, they chose to lower their heads.

Veins bulged on Wang Baole’s forehead, and his body trembled violently. He was struggling, and his heart was roaring. Cracking sounds could be heard coming from outside his body, as if there was an invisible seal.., it was breaking.

After a few breaths, Chen Qingzi nodded.

“If this is master’s insistence, then I will make a promise. From now on, all actions towards little junior brother... can not be investigated, can not be stopped, can not be sealed, and can not be disturbed. Even if he wants to walk out of the stone stele world!”