Chapter 1188: Departure

Freedom represented the body.

Freedom represented the spirit.

Wang Baole felt that his current state wasn’t up to the level of the Dao he had comprehended, but it was close enough. He found the smile on his face very nice, and he liked it very much.

With that smile, he walked past the ruins that were buried in the Dark River. The styles of these ruins were different, and they came from the different worlds that Wang Baole had experienced in his previous life.

Most of them contained ferocious spirits. These spirits were different from the spirits floating on the surface of the Dark River. While they were ferocious, they also had some simple consciousness.

They would even devour other spirits as nutrients and food to maintain their existence. Furthermore... under normal circumstances, unless they were foraging for food, they wouldn’t leave the ruins they were in, however, they were extremely aggressive towards all incoming spirits.