Chapter 1195, punishment!

The arrival of the purple gold civilization and the words of the purple gold ancestor instantly spread throughout the entire solar system, causing the hearts of all the powerful warriors in the Solar System to tremble. Streams of divine sense spread out, they rapidly flew toward the starry sky where the Purple Gold civilization was located.

“The Purple Gold Civilization?”

“The purple gold civilization that once invaded the God’s eye civilization?”

“Why did they suddenly come here? Why are their words so sincere?”

“Senior Wang... could it be...”as these divine thoughts intersected rapidly, they immediately transmitted their voices to each other, revealing a strong sense of shock and vigilance.

The purple gold civilization that had arrived was truly astonishing just by looking at its aura. Whether it was the elder who spoke or the vast starry sky revealed by the vortex behind him, they all represented this purple gold civilization, it far surpassed the Solar System.