Chapter 1206, Step Three!

In the starry skies, outside the Solar System, the gigantic shadow of the divine ox stood above the galaxy. It seemed to be able to prop up the void, causing the entire left Dao holy region to tremble violently.

However, the source of all this was not the shadow of the Divine Ox. Instead, it was Wang Baole, who was sitting cross-legged on its back and wearing a long green robe with his hair flying in the wind.

His hair was as green as the clouds, representing freedom.

His long hair was like the Dao, and it fluttered in the wind. It represented freedom.

His eyebrows were like sharp blades, and his eyes were filled with stars. His entire body was filled with the dao aura. The vast universe within his body made Wang Baole’s dharma idol seem to have surpassed a god and become a supreme being.

The moment he spoke, his words had reached the level where his words would follow the DAO.

You are not free!