Chapter 1212, realm mending disc (part two)

In this life, gone.

Wang Baole sat cross-legged at the gap in the Realm Ascension disc, watching everything from afar. He knew the story of the giant corpse and Zi Yue. He knew that the giant corpse had been the hope of the Vast Expanse Dao Palace, an existence like the first dao child.

However, in the end, it was destroyed by Zi Yue. Zi Yue coveted the cultivation techniques of the Dao of stars, so she didn’t hesitate to kill him cruelly. Not only did she suppress him, she also locked his body and soul, causing him to be in endless pain, with this as the price, she eventually passed down the cultivation technique of the star Dao.

In the end, she had fallen in love with the wrong person.

The reason why Zi Yue was like this was because after her memories were restored, she knew all of the Karma. That type of star Dao had been created in her previous life. For the sake of her own cultivation technique, she had treated her lover cruelly. That was why.., she had apologized.