Chapter 1223, Dao Seed!

Perhaps it was the sky, but the world was empty.

Perhaps it was the starry sky, but the universe was pitch-black.

There was no light, no light. It was as if there was nothing. Perhaps the only thing that existed was the bottomless abyss.

Black seemed to be the color of the entire place. It was cold, as if the entire atmosphere was here..

Wang Baole was no stranger to this feeling and state. In his previous life on the fated star, he had experienced the same things in the previous lives he had experienced with the white deer. It was dark, cold, and nothing else.

Time passed, and the darkness and coldness reached its limit. It accumulated to an extreme. It was as if the entire nothingness, the entire universe, and the entire world were about to gradually turn into the ultimate, wang Baole saw a ray of light.