Chapter 1242: the Sorrowful Xuan Hua (second update)

Xuan Hua felt extremely sorrowful.

Ever since he had been ordered to head to the left path and the Solar System to test Wang Baole’s true strength, he had felt that he had encountered a life-threatening catastrophe.

The catastrophe was so great that it had caused him to break down mentally.

Under the influence of Wang Baole’s Wood Dao, a mental demon had formed in his body. It would have been great if this demon had possessed him, and there was a way to resolve it. However, this mental demon had not possessed him. Instead, it was constantly affecting his mind and his rationality, gradually, he began to feel a desire to worship Wang Baole.

This desire grew stronger and stronger. Xuan Hua had even realized that as long as he didn’t use all his strength to suppress it for the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, then... the person he would be after the time it takes for an incense stick to burn might not be the person he was now.