Chapter 1264 -- people aren’t the same anymore!

Wang Baole could no longer see the outcome.

The cracks in the stone door had completely closed. However, that sound, which seemed to be an illusion, reverberated in Wang Baole’s ears. At the same time, there was a powerful force that spread out like a storm along with the sound and landed on the stone door.


The moment the stone door was hit, it shook violently. It also stirred the void within the stone door, causing it to become unstable. It was as if a raging wave was churning, formless and tangible. Cracks appeared one after another, causing the entire place to become chaotic, with Wang Baole’s current cultivation level, he couldn’t hold out for too long. He could only retreat rapidly and leave far away.

Once he left, it would be very difficult for him to return. The chaos in the area continued, and the difficulty of returning was much higher than before.