Chapter 1281, Earth of the five elements!

The sky rumbled!

The sky that had been transformed into a runic symbol began to emit a deafening sound. As it sank down, the runic symbol seemed as if it wanted to crush the Earth and everything in its path. Wherever it passed, the sky would fall, and the void would collapse. The sound of something breaking could be heard.

The entire world seemed to be shrinking. It could be imagined that as the runic symbol continued to descend, the heavens and earth would eventually come into contact with it, crushing everything within. Naturally, that included... the blood-colored centipede.

This scene was filled with boundless domineering power. It was as if no will could resist it, nor could anyone dodge it, nor could anyone fight it!

This was the case in the world of the Dao of fire.

As the heavenly symbols fell, a sea of fire rose up from the ground. The entire world seemed to be filled with a scorching heat, and yet, within that heat, there was an immortal aura.