Chapter 1286: Don’t Provoke Me!

The origins of the stone tablet realm were a mystery to the ignorant. However, to Wang Baole and the supremacies outside the stone tablet, it was no secret.

This place was formed from Luo’s right hand.

It was originally very stable. However, due to Luo’s death, the seal didn’t have a lasting source. It was like a rootless tree that gradually withered, causing Luo’s right hand to grow dimmer and dimmer, losing its original strength.

This was also the reason why Luo was able to fight against the emperor’s main body, but his left hand was only able to barely block the emperor’s clone. In the end, he even managed to avoid it.

In the end, Luo’s hand had lost its life force.

But now... in the Elder’s eyes, the vast hand that extended out of the stone tablet realm was very different from what he had once seen from afar. It was no longer withering and dimming, but... filled with life force!

This life force obviously couldn’t have come from the fallen Luo, but from... Wang Baole!