Chapter 1295, this life

Wang baole murmured softly. Chen Yunluo and his wife could not hear his voice. Only the child looked at Wang Baole in surprise. He could hear it, and although he did not understand it, for some reason, in the depths of his heart, at that moment.., a heat current that was both unfamiliar and familiar appeared.

The heat current was very hot. It filled his heart, his body, and his soul. It was as if at that moment, the first snowfall of the year that had fallen between heaven and earth had become warm.

It was as if the Dao elder before him made him feel safe and at ease.

It was as if the figure before him made him miss and want to be by his side.

Amidst the warmth, Chen Yunluo and his wife also felt Wang Baole’s kindness and recognition. They were also affected by the warmth that permeated the surroundings. They were delighted. They bowed gratefully to Wang Baole and left with Xiaotong.

Before leaving, Xiaotong, who was held by his father, turned his head three times.