Chapter 1302 Dao seeking

Ever since the existence of the bridge of heaven treading, it had always been mysterious and majestic. After all, in the vast cosmos, there were no items that could be used to verify the heaven treading realm. However, there were definitely no more than one palm, as for the bridge of heaven treading, it was naturally shocking.

At the same time, there was something even more special about the bridge of heaven treading. Not only could it verify the cultivation base of heaven treading, but it was also like an amplifier. It could amplify the dao of the cultivator who stepped onto the bridge, and could form a resonance with the dao of ten thousand daos, it would greatly increase the battle prowess of the almighty cultivators who crossed the bridge.

As for the principle behind it, it wasn’t that no one knew about it, but even if they did, it would still be very difficult to imitate it. The only person qualified to do so was Wang Yiyi’s father.