Chapter 1309, City of dreams!

To the countless civilizations in the countless galaxies in the universe, Wang Baole had come to a place that they would never be able to reach in their entire lives.

It could be said that almost ninety-nine percent of the living beings in the universe would never know that in the universe they lived in, there was a region called the Origin Universe Dao Kong.

This was because it was too ancient. The time contained within it could be traced back to the beginning of this universe, and it was mysterious and unfathomable.

Only a small number of civilizations that were similarly ancient and ran through the history of the origin of the entire universe had hidden bits and pieces of obscure records in their collections.

If one had the ability to put together the records of these ancient civilizations, then they would be able to draw out a barely complete trace of the origin universe dao-space master from these clues.

The first life form born at the beginning of the universe.