Chapter 1320 -- Dharma Protector Awakens (second update)

Wang Baole was no stranger to Dao seeds.

Back when he was in the stone stele world, he had found many items that could bear dao seeds while he was cultivating the Eight Extreme Dao. To be more precise, those treasures with different laws could only be considered half-finished. They had to be carried by his dao techniques, only then could they be called Dao seeds.

However, the sharp voice of the woman in Green gave Wang Baole a similar feeling. It could even be said that the voice was no longer a half-finished dao seed, but a true dao seed.

This woman is the most suitable material to bear the dao of listening and lust. She possesses the laws of listening and lust. After completely fusing with it, she can transform into a dao seed

This shouldn’t have happened naturally. This technique... should have been planted by someone