Chapter 1339 do you like to play hide-and-seek? (second update)

Almost as soon as the voice echoed in the air, cultivators in various areas of the city of appetite opened their eyes while meditating. As their eyes opened, they stood up one by one, either nervously, excitedly, or expectantly, in a flash, they turned into long arcs that shot straight towards the vortex in the sky.

Their appearance immediately attracted the attention of the crowd around the altar. As they looked over, the sounds of discussion instantly spread out.

“It’s the Divine Furnace Dao!”

“And Feng Di!”

“That’s Cheng Lingzi!”

As the sounds of discussion spread out from the area around the altar in all directions, four figures flew up from all over the place. They were extremely shocking and became the focus of everyone’s attention.

One of them was a bald, muscular man. He was tall and burly, and was clearly different from the glutton God’s mountain of flesh. However, his appearance gave people the feeling that he was capable of pulling mountains out of the ground.