Chapter 1356, Freedom (first update)

“Good!”Following Wang Baole’s bow, a strange light appeared in the eyes of the man whose body was like a lump of flesh. He nodded slightly, and Zhou Huo and the others cupped their fists at Wang Baole.

Tuo Lingzi’s expression was ugly, but there was confusion in his eyes. He saw his son standing beside Wang Baole. Even though his aura was much weaker, both his body and soul were unharmed, what made him feel even stranger was the fervor in his son’s eyes when he saw him looking at Wang Baole.

This made Tuo Lingzi suppress the displeasure he had for Wang Baole. Now, with a dark expression, he bowed in response.

Wang Baole didn’t care about Tuo Lingzi. Putting aside whether Cheng Lingzi could persuade him, just the difference in the laws of appetite between the two of them was enough for Wang Baole to ignore more than half of the gluttonous eaters.