Chapter 1358: Listening to Desire (third update)

The melody was extremely abrupt. However, in the blink of an eye, it echoed in the minds of every resident of appetite city, causing most of the cultivators to fall into a trance.

In the next moment, a roar rang out from the location of the strongest glutton. The roar was as loud as thunder, and the instant it exploded, it did not cause a sound wave, it was the power of appetite that came from the bodies of all the cultivators.

It was the power of appetite against the power of hearing.

The laws were the same, but the level of the person who used them was different. It determined the strength of the person. In an instant, most of the cultivators in appetite city who were in a daze woke up. However, there was still a portion of them who were affected by the melancholy melody, a strange smile appeared on their faces. They chose to raise their hands and hit the center of their brows, shattering their heads and their minds.