Chapter 1397, scratching an itch

The reason why the other party couldn’t see him wasn’t because Wang Baole was special. It was because, to a certain extent, when he was comprehending the other party’s music, his body had become one with the music.

It was as if he himself had become a part of the other party’s music. This caused the music dao cultivator to unleash his full power. The music covered all directions, but he was unable to detect that Wang Baole was not far away.

At that moment, as Wang Baole spoke, the music dao cultivator’s expression changed, and his heart was filled with shock. However, he had studied the law of listening for many years, and his attainments in music were extraordinary. Therefore, almost instantly.., he sensed the problem, and his body retreated without hesitation. He quickly retracted the music that had spread in all directions.