Chapter 1402. So it was you

As the outside world speculated, the trial by fire continued. Although there were quite a few participants, each time, half of them would be eliminated. Gradually.., fewer and fewer squares remained, and the number of cultivators who participated in the trial by fire slowly increased from... to only eight!

As soon as the eight people were chosen, the cultivators of the three sects were all focused on them.

Any one of them had experienced many battles, and had never lost a single battle. That was why they were now in the top eight. According to the rules of the trial by fire, if they failed once, they would be teleported out, as a result, they would be disqualified from the trial by fire.

Therefore, those who had managed to reach this stage were the strongest cultivators of the three sects!

The identities of five of them didn’t surprise the cultivators of the three sects. These five people... were the dao children of the three sects!