Chapter 1406, not stupid

While the outside world was excited, no one noticed that after losing the battle with Wang Baole, he had been teleported out of the training grounds and returned to the white armor in the Hengqin sect’s mountain gate. At that moment, he walked into Red Devil’s Cave abode.

Red Devil sat cross-legged, his beautiful face exuding a sense of tranquility. This expression was completely contrary to what the outside world thought. Even though the illusory screen of the training arena appeared before him.., however, he didn’t seem to care too much about it. It wasn’t until the white-armored man walked to his side that Red Devil turned his head and looked at the white-armored man.

As for the white-armored man... he had the same calm expression. Compared to the crazed look he had when he fought with Wang Baole, it was as if they were two different people. Right now, there wasn’t a hint of emotion on his face. It was as if failure meant nothing to him, he didn’t care.