Chapter 1416, Pureblood (second update)

The four avatars that were formed from the Lord of Desire hated Wang Baole to the core, but there was nothing they could do. Just as Wang Baole had predicted, they didn’t dare expose themselves.

After all, even without seven emotions and the others, Wang Baole alone was enough to suppress and devour them. At the same time, the seal on the city made them understand that even though they had self-destructed.., it was too difficult for them to escape the city.

There was another point... the four avatars were formed from the self-destruction of the desire to see the master. They were a part of his consciousness, but they were not unified.

To a certain extent, it could be said that they were the weaker versions of the desire to see the master of four different personalities, and the amount of memories each carried was limited.