Chapter 1421 stupidity (Third Update)

While Wang Baole was conversing with the joyous lord in the underground palace..

In a desert far away from the city of desire, a figure was advancing rapidly. The figure wasn’t blurry, so he could see everything clearly.

If Wang Baole were here, he would definitely be able to recognize the figure at a glance. It was the last avatar of the joyous lord.

He didn’t know how the Avatar managed to escape the blockade of the city of desire. He had only tried according to his own thoughts. In the end, he realized that the seal that enveloped the city of desire was completely ineffective against him.

Therefore, he didn’t hesitate and immediately chose to leave. As for the time... it was only the second day after the person who wanted to see him self-destruct.

Therefore, he did not know what happened after he saw the desire city.

In his mind, there was only one thought, and that was revenge!