Spatial Ring

The next day in Wang Li's courtyard.

"I need to recover as soon as possible but the herb I need to make that pill can only be found in the dark forest. But the person should atleast have cultivation of silver rank but that is not the problem. I can ask father to get me that herb. The strongest expert in dragonland empire was 9th stage gold rank expert. Jade rank experts are like a legend to them now. Tens of thousands year ago due to the war between humans and demons lead to this situation. Although humans won the war but countless precious cultivations techniques were lost. Even Alchemy, Inscritions and Smithing techniques doesn't exist anymore." Wang Li sighed.

He looked at the ring on his right hand finger he bit down his thumb and smeared some blood on the ring. This ring is something that came with him from his past life, there has to be some kind of secret involved with it. So he tried this method. In his past life he had heard about Spatial ring. They could store all kinds of things and were very helpful to the cultivators. They process of binding a ring to yourself was very easy you just need to smear some of your blood to to be it's rightful owner.

Wang Li wad really expecting for a miracle to happen. He was hoping to find some help from the ring. All the blood was a being absorbed by the ring. Then the ring shone brightly and and Wang li conciouness was sucked in to the ring. When he opened his eyes the discovery shocked him. right infront of him were countless booksheleves all filled with different books.

"It's really a spatial ring heavens its really a saptial ring." Wang Li was really excited by this discovery. He calmed himself down and went forward to take a look at the books. when opened a book saw its content he couldn't keep his calm anymore. He hurriedly checked other books and when he saw their content he laughed so loud that even heavens could hear him.

"These are the top tier cutivation techniques and there are even alchemy recipes and Inscription and Smithing techniques too. Finally Humanity will have a chance to fight against demons." Wang Li happily said.

He strode deeper inside the space and came across a jade shelf. After examining the books he realised that cultivation techinques on this shelf were even more pround and heaven defying.

"Even though now I have these amazing techniques and lost arts. I am still no match for those demons. They numbered in billions and and in the past life he didn't even fight the most strongest one them. In his past he was able to reach Legend rank only because of a forbidden technique many top figures gave their cultivation to him to fight the demons. And at that time he was still an depressed guy who had given up on life. His family fell under the schemes of their enemies and he was reduced to a beggar.

" In this life I won't fight alone. I have my family with me. I will make my family the strongest in this world. Yes my family will be the rrichest and the strongest. But first I need train experts we cannot match those billions of demons with high cutivation. But who would trust me now I am just a waste and would only treat me like a child."

"Guess I'll have to do this myself. I really cannot trust anyone. Sighs"

" First I need to train some personal experts . Though cultivation techniques are not a problem anymore but I don't know which cultivation technique is suitable for a peron. In his past life he also realised that I person can become much stronger if they have the cultivator technique that favours their body. just as wang Li said this a book appeared in front of him.

"What is this?' Wang Li asked as he read the title

"Spirit Eyes"

The next day

Wang Li asked his maid to take him to his parents courtyard. After arriving there he saw his mother talking to his elder brother Wang Kui. Wang Kui was 16 this year and a 8th stage copper rank expert.

"Good Morning Mother and big brother" Wang Li courtesly saluted.

"Oh Li'er how come you are here?" Wang kui and Mother Wang were both suprised beacuse he always stayed in his courtyard.

"hehe brother am I not even allowed meet my mother now. I miss her okay" Wang Li laughed.

Mother Wang was so happy after listening to Wang Li and thought finally Li'er is not upset anymore.

"Of course Li'er is my good son" Mother Wang tenderly stroked Wang Lis face.

"How are you big brother?" Wang Li happily asked his brother. Wang Kui also thought that his brother is not upset anymore and he was also very excited and happily replied

"Good Li'er. Finally you are not upset anymore. Wang Li chuckled.

"Mother my courtyard doen't have many servant can I have 10-15 servents. ?" Wang Li pitifully asked his mother.

Mother Wang happily agreed. After talking for an hour with both of them he left toward his own courtyrad now that his mission is accomplised. He plans can also begin.

The Next morning 15 servants were delivered to Wang Li's courtyard. 10 males and 5 females.

The servants were on their knees awaiting their new master's orders. The door gradually opened from the inside came a youth on a wheelchair. The new servants have long heard of their new master's handsomeness but when they saw it for themselves they were stunned. Such amazing features. He is an evildoer.

"All Rise" Wang Li Said.

"Servants greet the master".

Wang Li one by one scanned them through his spirit eyes.He spent the whole night practising this technique. After scanning a person with spirit eyes one can see through a persons constitution and suitable cultivation technique for them and even a mortal can learn this technique. All this need is mental energy.

"From now on your names will be One, Two, Three, to Fifteen and you will be surnamed Ye" Wang Li said in a cold voice.

"We thank master for our new names" the servent replied in unison.

"Good remember if you remain loyal what awaits you is glory and riches. But if you thought about betraying me don't beg me to not be ruthless." Wang Li again said in a cold voice.

"Yes master. we vow to never betray you." the servants replied.

"Good" Wang Li was satisfied.