

Bei Lie's past life was often reading many web novels, So when he received the system, he actually expects to breakthrough more often and easier. But reality hit him hard in his face. Well, at least he still got the sarcastic System and his Perfect sister!

Also, he never actually step foot outside except dropping his sister and picking her out. And for the groceries shopping, he used an online one. As it was easier than buying from the district itself.

He often buys many new supplies for his sister using online, clothes and many hair accessories he buys, using his own money that he earns from the boss battle. He even tells his own sister that his job is as a hunter, And she believes it!

Bei Lie actually sometimes worries about his sister's oblivion to whatever he actually does. After all, appearing and disappearing from out of nowhere actually nowhere is near normal. Yet he still grateful that she actually accepting him easily like that.

"Maybe I need to check out the Shop.." Bei Lie said, after many years of him stopping to look, he finally has enough power stones to buy some of the objects that are in it.

And the reason he stops himself and saves is that he wants to make sure he will actually not regretting to open the Shop and found out he barely can buy anything useful. Besides, he has his own monster to summon.

"System, Open Shop,"

[ Opening Shop. Connecting to Galaxy Spyr. ]

[ Hello, I am Zaglu. ]

Bei Lie then hears a high pitch voice which caused Bei Lie to scrunch his eyebrow in confusion. Bei Lie's head was stinging pain from the sound of it. It is like a high frequency of a sound and trying so hard to rape his ear.

Besides, this is not his System!




In the end, Bei Lie realized that the one he was talking to is an Alien. Causes him to have a heart attack as he barely believes in Alien. Then again, with his existence and his monster, nothing is apparently out of control.

As he was talking to the alien, He found out that their currency is using Power Stones too. But they also were shocked that he still used an 'old and ancient' Power Stone and not the 'Modern' one. Which caused him to scoff at the Alien. And not only the Power Stones but They also use Galaxy Coins. But Power Stone works too.

Zaglu the Alien also wants to buy some of Earth stuff. He told me that he can sell it to some collector. That caused Bei Lie to scrunch his eyebrows in confusion once more time.

He then put some pros and cons. Pros? Get some money that he actually not sure if he needed. As he believes he already satisfied with everything at the moment anyway. And Cons? Well, let's see. The destruction of the earth? Why? Because Zaglu itself points it out that he barely has pieces of information about the Earth. And what if there is a really powerful Alien invasion and sold Earthling to be a slave or something?

He then says no to the temptation.

So Bei Lie uses his first power stone that he uses on shop to buy information. Which cost him 5 Power Stones.

[ The Galaxy divided by the Void. Earth, as you human know are placed in Milky Way. With 9 Planet in total and 3 of them are inhabited with life. Also- ]

Before Zaglu continued, Bei Lie then cut him off. "Wait a minute, 9 Planet? I thought it was only 8? Is Pluto apparently a Planet? And 3 of them are inhabited with life? Like what? Mars? But what's the third one?!" He then asks as he was beyond confusion.

[ Yes. Pluto is a planet, It just your stupid human Government didn't realize that there's some other life form in there. Which causes their movement to move away from the Orbits. And no, there is no life on Mars, but there is life at Uranus. And for what species they are, I need more Stones to cover that from you. ]

Bei Lie head then feel like exploding. He feels that he know too much already! The next thing he knows, That there is no God and God was just a powerful Alien with magnificent power! Oh, wait. No. No.


[ Now, Before you cut me off once more, The Galaxy is intersected with each other. And the main one is called Prism Terminal. It's filled with 'Alien' from other dimensions and stars. I don't know any term from your planet, as your planet is still unknown, But- ]

Bei Lie then keeps quiet as he learns about many of the Galaxy and how it worked. But because he only pays a little amount of Stones, he didn't cover much of the detail of many things but Bei Lie glad, as his head already hurt enough to deal with this.

The next thing Bei Lie apparently can buy some Power-Up. So Bei Lie bought some medium size Strength Serum. At first, when Bei Lie put the needle into his hand, He didn't feel anything. Until he put 4 in, His body then feels heats, heavy breathing and he passed out.

"Argh.." Bei Lie groans as he massages his numb forehead, "Stats," He called out.

Name : Bei Lie

Cultivation : Origin Realm

Age: 18

Lifespan: 100 Years

Power: -

Skill: Cooking - 10, Boxing - 13, Kung fu - 9, Karate - 7, Weapon Mastery - 8,

Power Stone: 708


Goblin : 12

Zombies : 14

Ghost : 8

Blood Wolf : 2

"Holy! I just went breakthru that fast?!" Bei Lie then shouts out as he looks that he is now on Origin Realm Feeling happy, Bei Lie then screams out his sister's name. "Sophie! Look!!"

Sophie, who is at downstair finishing her homework then heard her Brother screaming her name in a happy manner. She then runs toward the upstairs and sees that now her brother changed again.

Her brother's hair that was short and choppy, now changed into long straight black hair, Not only that her brother's eyes now changed from light brown into a deep abyss black color. Her brother's skin is now much silkier and whiter which caused Sophie mused about how her Teacher would kill her Brother for that knowledge.

"Big Brother! You Breakthru! Congratulations!! It didn't take you 3 years this time!" Sophie said as she remembers that her big Brother struggle within the years. And seeing that he easily breakthru without no wound seen made her heart calm down.

Bei Lie then grins at his sister, "Ehehe, This should be received a celebration!" He then said, Standing up, He notices that his hair actually went into his back. Which quite long.

"Here Brother," Sophie said, as she gives one of her hair tie from her right hand. Bei Lie receives the hair tie with a smile and thanks her.

Man Bun it is.




The Celebration Dinner was good, With Bei Lie level on cooking is now 10, there is nothing he can cook. Well, Actually there is, But Bei Lie decided to ignore it and be happy with what his level give him.

A week went passed by, Bei Lie notices that the strength serum is actually rare and when Bei Lie bought from Zaglu, it was actually a lucky time. Which caused Bei Lie to grumble, as He knows there is no shortcut to being strong.

And he should've bought more back then! Argh! He is so stupid.

So like any other day, Bei Lie to learn on how to do Martial Arts on videos and YouTubes. His boxing is improved well, and so do the 2 of his other fighting skills.

As he keeps practicing his sword movement in his backyard. Bei Lie then heard a bell ring. Bei Lie then confused, as he knows that he don't have any friends nor friend at all. And if it is his sister's friend, They never actually go to their house and just play on the playground instead. Maybe it's a salesman?

So he then put the sword into his pocket dimensions that he bought from Zaglu, walk toward the front door and open it.

Faced with 3 adults whom Bei Lie didn't recognize. Bei Lie then began to be wary, What kind of products is this stranger will sell?

"Uh, yes?" Bei Lie said as he didn't really open the door full enough for the other to see. He never knows who this stranger is after all.

"Ahahaha, Look at that you old coot. Adam actually grew up to just like his mother!!" Then the one with blond hair laugh and he pat Bei Lie shoulder.

Seriously, Just who the fuck is this 3 dude?




Apparently, the 3 stranger is Bei Lie's uncles and Grandfather. Those three apparently had a job meeting near his town and decided to visit them.

"So, Uh. Any drink? We only got water, soda, and Tea, plus Coffee of course," Bei Lie then tried to be a nice host, As he knows that those relatives actually paying for the house bills and internet.

"No worry Adam, This old man is good," Gabriel, Adam Grandfather said. Gabriel to be frank to himself tell the other 2 of his child to check up on the two. He still remembers how Adam act 5 years ago, Arrogant and spoiled little brat. He blames his son for it, And he also worries for his lovely granddaughter! What if Adam didn't feed her enough, or for worse, neglected her!

But from the sight, Gabriel also wonder about how Adam had been grown since then, Is he still the same brat he is back then?

Or has he becomes mature.

Apparently, his answer is right in front of him. From Adam reaction and movement, Gabriel just sigh at his old heart. With their parent gone from the world, Adam seems like took to be a father figure and mother figure at the same time.

Especially Adam's hair. Looking at the loose braid of his hair Gabriel just sigh one more time. Knowing that Adam certainly looking like his mother instead of his father kind of disappoint him. But at least he grew up.

Titus, one of Adam uncle, Laugh secretly in his heart. He himself and his younger brother Samuel already bet on whom Adam will be looking alike. Titus bet on his sister in law, and Samuel bet on his deceased second brother. And now looking at the kid himself, He let out a small chuckle.

He looks like a female instead of a male! The Gene of his sister-in-law is too strong on this one! And on the other side, he actually finally won on something!

Samuel, Who grumbles to his heart as he loses, actually smiles a little. His Nephew is looking healthy, And not only that, but he also notices from the side of his eyes that there are many pictures of the two of his nephews and niece together plaster on the wall. But from the pictures itself, It's only taken on the backyard of the house itself.

Proofing that Adam actually still scared to step outside of the house.

Looking at the time they stop by, 9 am in the morning, Where normal teenager is supposed to be at school, Adam himself probably not attend any school. And seeing that there is no Sophie seen, She is indeed are in school. It was nice to know that he still cares for his sister to be honest with himself.

They were planning to just go right into the house and surprised the two of them when they got back from their school, But apparently, their plan failed.

"So Adam, How life?" Titus then asked as he sits down on the sofa looking bored. Bei Lie then nods at him, "It's good. I guess.." He then answers with some difficulty, as after many years he barely talks to other people except his own sister, the system and his new friend Zaglu the Alien.

"Good. So, How's school?" Titus then asked, with one of his eyebrows up. Challenging how he will answer.

"Homeschool.." Bei Lie then said, but secretly hoping that Sophie will be home soon! Bei Lie is a really bad conversation maker! He really needs Sophie right now. He is now feeling uncomfortable.

He really is bad at human interaction!




In the end, Bei Lie just sitting down answering all of the answers and keep looking at the door for some hope and miracles that Sophie will be home soon.

Then suddenly a growling from 2 wolf pups then can be heard. 'You two lazy dogs are too late!' Bei Lie then starts cursing at the two Blood Wolf that is currently on the pups mode and growling at the 'strangers' in front of them.

"Oh! A puppy! That is nice! 2 of them no less," Titus then claims as he watches the two 'pups' who are growling and have glowing eyes toward them.

Besides Titus, Samuel, Who used to be a Ranger know that for sure the two of the 'puppies' as that fool Titus exclaim, Indeed are pups of the wolf kind. What kind of wolf? Samuel didn't know himself. But he knows for sure that those 2 'puppies' can grow into a murderous pet.

Gabriel, the other hand is proud! That he finally can see his son on his grandson! It may not the appearance, but the way he actually tames something wild, even though it is still a baby, and succeed.

Gabriel remembers, back when his son still alive, His son loves to adventuring in many caves and actually living and surviving in the jungle. And that's also how his son meeting his daughter-in-law. A petite Asian girl who is running to catch a deer for her village.

Gabriel then let out a chuckle, as he remembers how his own son asks him how to court women who are wild and untamed. Looking at those memories, Gabriel then realized why his own son loves his daughter-in-law so much! She is like an untamed lion! Which caused him to love challenges like that.

And looking at young Adam, who has a delicate feature. He worries deeply about how he can be able to live on himself and with his sister only! Gabriel then let out a small cough, Adam, then let his hand up. And at that the wolf pups stop growling, He then let a small smile.

Like his father indeed.




Bei Lie then let out a rejoice! Sophie, his savior actually finally home! He then put up some excuse to go upstairs to finish some of his 'school project'. But before that, he hugs Sophie and secretly whispers to her, "Don't call me, I'll be hunting.." He then smiles as Sophie let out a knowing smile.

Bei Lie then proceeds to leave the real world like what most adults do.

After reaching upstairs in a fast mode, Bei Lie then called System then teleport to another dungeon. Calling up his summon, Bei Lie then smirks. Blood battle, here he comes.

In downstair Sophie let out a little laugh, She know how her brother felt. It's kind of funny that finally, her brother has someone to talk to but then he keeps running away.

Even though her brother always complained that he is actually in need of human interactions beside Sophie and his mysterious friends whom he often talks to thin air, He still backs away when the real human interactions happening.

"I'm sorry about that Grandpa! Big brother is shy," Sophie then said with a smile,

Sophie knows that talking to thin air is a sickness, but Sophie believes in her brother. Sophie believes that his brother is talking to Angel! As that what the Nun told her as she follows her friend to a church.

Gabriel, as he watches his granddaughter smile let out his own smiling as his granddaughter's face reminds him of his beloved second son. Sophie, who he believed is now 9 years old, has a short blond hair with her eyes that are shimmering innocent, shining with a crystal blue and a tint of an icy color.

Titus and Samuel who are at the corner just watch their favorite niece, who reminds them of their dead brother with a nostalgia.

"It's alright, So Sophie. How're your years been?"




Bei Lie then comes back from the dungeon with more bruises, but this time he manages to earn 1 vampire as his monster!

" Summon : Vampire " Bei Lie then said, blood started to drip from the top of his head, and a man with long silver lock formed from the pool of blood, watching him with his glowing red pupils. "Hmm, System. Why do I feel like something different from this one?" Bei Lie then asked as he notices the intense stare of the Vampire.

[ Answering 001, It is because each monster has its own rank. And the Vampire 001 own is rank 3, which is equivalent into Trascendant Rank 3. ]

"Holy! Why haven't you tell me that before?! And why is my monster is stronger than myself? Not that I mind of course." Bei Lie then whispers the last one as he feels that will be useful for something.

Then the Vampire who is standing in front of him raises his eyebrow at him as if it was looking at an idiot. Which Bei Lie ignore, as it just a monster and nonexistence life anyway.

[ Because 001 is just too weak. And, don't forget to bond with 001 Vampire. Each monster that is rank 3 and above require a bond between the monster and the owner. Blood will be sufficient with the Vampire. ]

"Uh, Alright," Bei Lie then mumble, as he then pulls up a dagger from his void space and slices the tip of his index finger. As the blood-forming, The glowing of the eyes then growing more intense. "I will name you,-" Then Bei Lie think for a name for a while,

Thinking for a noble name, he seems can't remember any. "Alexander," He then said. The blood that appears from his index finger then vapor into the mist, and the new name Alexander bow at Bei Lie.

"Yes Master," The Vampire says as he bows at Bei Lie. The newly named Alexander is now watching his new Master talking to himself. Not knowing what to do, Alexander actually worried about his own future.

His Master is odd after all.




"Did you sense that?!" Samuel then whispers to Titus, his fool older brother who is been cooing Sophie from the first 5 hours till now, He just felt something dark and menacing. And what worse is that he couldn't place where it came from.

As it was all of a sudden to him,

Titus, in another hand, is still cooing at Sophie who is still talking to his old father that keeps stealing her attention from him! But hearing his stern younger brother Samuel being worried, he then tried to locate where the dark intent come from.

After a while, it seems that he still couldn't locate it.

Titus knows about the ghost in the house, as it was not uncommon after all, and the presence of death from the front porch and the backyard. But none of that small spirit could harm any one of them, so he actually doesn't really think any thought about it.

But now, as he could feel a dangerous presence, Looking at his old man, he then scrunches his eyebrow.

Gabriel in the other hand, actually not worried at all, after all his granddaughter is in front of him. But seeing his two son warning eyes, he then couldn't help to sigh. As it is such a bothersome thing after all.

He then pulls out his aura and tried to search where the power came from, as he was searching, he notices his granddaughter gasp. And he stops, "What's wrong Sophie?" He then asks his favorite granddaughter.

"Big brother!" Sophie then let out a happy smile, Looking at her big brother who is currently walking down the stair with a man with silver hair. She then gasps. 'Is he a new playmate?' Sophie then asked herself as she innocently smiles at the man. But the man ignores her the whole time and only focus on her brother.

But her clueless brother who comes up from the room, and just notices that their relative are still in the house show an 'Uh-Oh' face.





"Uh, Hello.." Bei Lie then meekly said as he forgot that he got a relative that visit his house and there is a stranger in the house. Looking at Alexander that is behind him, He then let out a weak smile.

A misunderstanding?