System Funtion (Grammar Fix)

The next day

I open my eyes to see the same timber ceiling that I saw yesterday, but the only difference today is that I have a woman sleeping on my chest. I started to calm myself from getting an erection which is absolutely impossible to do when such a beauty is sleeping on my chest and that she is my wife.

I started to think of something else to make the erection that I'm having to go away, then I remembered that I don't even knew how the system works.

In my brain I say 'How does the system work's', then I see this long notification in my mind.

The System main function is to upgrade stuff when the hosts use the upgrade cards.

Things that you can upgrade are Physique, Innate talent, Skill, appearance, Bloodline, Equipment, Aura and Taming.

Each function has 11 grades.

Normal, common, uncommon, rare, super rare, ultra rare, legendary, mythical, supreme and limitless.

Each of this grade differs to each category.

Normal= doesn't affect anything in physique, innate talent, skill, equipment appearance, you won't have a bloodline and your tamed beast will be a normal animal. Common= Same as Normal no major effects. Uncommon= makes cultivation twice as faster than a normal innate talent, the tamed animal becomes rank 1 beast, skill becomes half martial arts technique, same for equipment, you will gain 3% nothing especial will happen until the legendry where you start getting special abilities from your physique, blood line, innate talent and equipment. This continues until limitless where you can grow without reaching any bottleneck and at this level you will have 16 abilities and an extra abilities of passing down the blood line with 100% purity and every other functions will be passed down with the same grade as yours. After I read the information on the this page I ask the system, "what is my grades for the 7 function" "Just say menu, you'll see" I said 'menu' in my brain so Lucy couldn't hear my voice and wake up, similar as how the information on grades appeared it appeared in the same way.

Host: Eric Age: 19Bloodline:???? / Grade common: 0/2

Appearance: Normal: 0/2

Equipment: None

Skill: Blood death, Aura: Super rare: 0/75

Familiar: None

Innate Talent: Common: 0/2

Physique: Common: 0/2

"System, how do I upgrade a function that I want to upgrade" "Just tap on the number beside it and you can upgrade the function". I tapped on the Innate Talent function and it changed from "common: 0/2" to "uncommon: 0/8", since I knew I had 8 more upgrade card I tapped on Innate Talent again and upgraded It's from "Uncommon: 0/8" to "rare: 0/24". As if I felt something was coming out of my body, I reacted quickly and smoothly as I left Lucy from my chest and ran towards the exit and exited the house and searched through the original owner of the body for a river. I searched for a couple of seconds before I could find a location for a river near the house, luckily this house was near outside the city and I could find the river very fast.

I jumped in the river, causing a big splash of water going everywhere and after a cold breeze in my body started to release something brownish black, it changed a part of the river into black water from sky blue. I stayed in the river for a while so that my body could cleanse from the small tides hitting my body, I started thinking about the muddy thing that came out of my body for a while, but I couldn't come up with an answer for it and so I asked the system, it said that It was a process of my body cleansing itself to get ready to start cultivating. I asked the system if I could cultivate, but it Sad that I have to find a cultivation technique. I looked threw Eric's memory to find a cultivation technique, after a while I found a cultivation technique called soaring dragon. The main idea of this cultivation technique was to cultivate in a place that had a very high temperature and it would improve your cultivation while tempering your body. I started to practice the cultivation technique. At the beginning I had to feel the natural power in the air and try to guide it throw my body, starting from leg to the abdomen, kidney, hands, head and every other part of me that was an organ. I did this routine for almost 1 hour, in this 1 hour I was able to repeat the cycle for 20 times and could start to feel my organs getting stronger by each cycle. I slowly started to walk towards my house, as I was running through this area when I was coming I didn't see that much now that I look at it carefully, it seems like we are just living in a forest near a city. I walked in the small house that was meant to be mine, I felt satisfied that I at least have somewhere to live in this life, but that feeling disappeared the moment it appeared and was replaced with a thirst for revenge. I walked in the house I saw Lucy making food, but for some reason the first I was feeling became weaker by bit. As of yesterday I have noticed that when I look at Lucy my hearts come down at first I thought it was because I was influenced by Eric's memories but the system said that it was not that. So I just ignored the whole situation because I kind knew what was going and decided to let nature take its course.

I went and sat on the table that was inside the house and got ready to eat breakfast. The dish for eating was some eggs and cup of hot milk, I looked at the dishes and started to smile cause the cultivating that I just did made my whole body feel as if it was a bear waking up after it hibernation.