
Eric rushed to the forest and started killing anything that he saw, this continued for a week and he almost killed 1000000, in the inner forest but from the normal ration 1/10 you would think he would have at least 100000 from killing this weak monster but he soon learnt that the drop rate would drop if his fighting a monster way weaker than him. Anyways he had almost reached 11,000 upgrade cards, but this wasn't enough for him to make Lucy strong enough to defend for herself.

Eric activated his skill [Berserk Mode] but the moment he activated it hit him, "System, is their anyway i could improve [Berserk Mode].

*Ding*= yes you can but its temporarily and cost 10,000

Without any hesitation Eric put that invested that 10,000 upgrade cards and the moment he did he lost his consciousness.

1 Week later

In the core of the forest

*Ding* Effect over, 10 times multiplier over, next time use costs 100M Upgrade cards

*Ding* You have killed 13,000,000 monsters and has gained over 5 million cards.

As Eric opened his eyes he heard these notification that shocked the hell out of him, how did he killed 13M monsters but that was soon answered as the system said that he was in a berserk mode and couldn't think at all.

Eric Tried to look for the way back and turned around to run the way he thought he was home, as he was running he saw blood everywhere and monster lying dead on the ground.

He found his way home and speed towards his house, he entered the room to see Lucy sitting on the bed cultivating he looked at her cultivation which had already broken through 6 stage of muscle refinement.

He went closer to her and just waited there for her to finish as he didn't want to disturb her as she might damage her cultivation.

3 hours later

Lucy opened her eyes to see Eric cultivating in front of her but the moment she looked at him he opened his eyes and came closer to her while saying "hello", she replied with "hi".

Eric put his hand on her hand and started to upgrade all her stats to Legendary after he finished doing that he decided to upgrade her Bloodline, Physique, Talent and her cultivation techniques to mythical, which costed him 4m Upgrade cards leaving him with 1.6 million.

He soon upgraded everything that he had to Ultra rare and was about to upgrade again when he saw that he needed 100000 and not 10000 upgrade cards to upgrade legendary grade. He didn't take it to heart as he had enough to upgrade each function/skill to legendary.

That costed him 1m but it did improve his looks and cultivation, he know probably was closed to the looks of the immortal from the immortal tomb but was still at least 2 meters away from him.

Not thinking much, he looked at how much it costed him to upgrade from legendary to mystical but the (100,000,000) but the amount of 0 he saw was too much and couldn't continue and nearly dropped death to the floor.

He looked at how much it costs Lucy to upgrade and it was only 10% of what he had to upgrade, he asked the system about it but the system just sent a notification to him.

*Ding* = Special privilege

Eric looked at the notification for some answer to only ask another question "What the privilege she has"

*Ding*= She has the privilege of being your wife so whatever you upgrade for her is 10 times less than the original.

Eric thought for himself 'i wish i could be my own wife (Jokes)'

He was about to live this place and needed another way to communicate to Lucy while he was away'

Eric asked the system "Is their anyway i could be connected to Lucy from faraway"

*Ding*= yes you can by forming a soul connection with.

"How do i do that"

*Ding*= You just must have sex

"What? whaaaaat?"

*Ding*= Just have sex

Eric looks at Lucy and tries to say something.



"I Wann have .....sex"

She started to blush and stood up while slowly taking of her cloths, Eric follows the lead while blushing takes of his cloths.

Than they have sex

Next Morning

Eric gets up and eats his breakfast while remembering the pleasuring night he just had. After finishing his breakfast, he slowly walks outside to leave this place. Eric did not have to tell about him leaving as he had a soul connection and Lucy knew what he was doing right now.

He leaves his house while running at his max speed which is known equal to a Martial Cultivator stage 5 since he had broken through qi refinement when he was in [Berserk Mode].

Eric went to the city and entered the malls that sailed thigs about related to map and bought a map on how to get to the capital of the empire, he followed the leads of the map that first lead him outside the city than to a road, that he had to follow for quite a while.

As this could take years if walked at this speed so he started to run at his max speed and reached the turning to left point in 7 days. He turned left at the same speed and ran towards the next destination for a couple days.

18 day later

After 18 days Eric reached the gates of the capital, he went and stood on the line for his turn to come, so he could get in the city.

Minutes passed as Eric waited for his turn in the line and it was finally his turn, he paid the 100 gold that the guard was asking for and passed through this invisible shield that let you see the inside but didn't let you in if you hadn't paid the amount that the guard were asking for.