Wife's P.O.V

Wife's P.O.V

After taking the mission to hunt a rank 1 Muscle refinement monster, my husband got injured and has passed out for 2 days at all, when he was attacked I took him to the healer of the city near ours.

The healer said that he is in a state that his body focusing recuperating and woke up till his body decides that it the correct time to wake.

Hearing the bullet like words, it pierced through my heart as I started crying right in front of the healer, with no regards for people seeing me crying.

Seeing that I was crying so much the healer gave me a pill that could help his injuries heal faster, seeing the pill in her hand I picked from her hands without any regard on what she was going to think about me. After taking the pill, I putted in my mouths and started chewing the moment I got it, until it was soft enough to through my throat without any harm.

I got into a CPR position and started to putt my mouth on Eric's while keeping his mouths opened by pulling his head up and joe down, I pushed the broken-down pill to his mouth while blowing it in his mouth's so it could go through his oesophagus.

I kept on blowing in his mouths for a while before I stopped and decided to take him home.

I thanked the healer sitting next to me, and started to pick him up and put him on my back. The both of were the centre of attention in the city, which made very embarrassed as I was carrying my husband on my back and I'm pretty sure Eric would want to kill himself the moment he sees or hears about this.

The embarrassed meant I was feeling was still in my heart and didn't go away until I reached my small home that we had bought with everything that we had made in 4 months.

The first day went very quickly as I was beside Eric and was waiting for him to wake up, the second day the followed the first day except this time I ate some food than came back to look after Eric.

I went next to him and laid my head on his knees and fail asleep, I didn't know what was happening as I was too tired to even think but after sleeping for a while I sensed something moving under my head.

I open my eyes to see Eric sitting down while looking at me with a scared expression, I didn't how he looked at me as I jumped from my position to hug him. After hugging him for a while I said to him "I was so worried that you were going to die, husband". I was hugging him, while crying joyfully, as I knew that it was the last time I was going to let him do anything dangerous like this.

After a while he replied, "Stop crying wife, can't you see I'm alive and kicking".

After he said that I hugged him for a bit more and told him that I was going to go and warm his food. The food was warm again and I took it to him, knowing that he couldn't eat properly right now, I started to pick up the spoon and feed him myself.

In the next month nothing special happened except, that I always saw Eric cultivate, after seeing that he was cultivating I felt very happy as he never used to cultivate and only did what he wanted to do.

The routine of him only cultivating change when he told me that he was going to pick a mission and when he picked the mission, it was none other than the most dangerous one in the guild. Which was to kill 1000 monster of any rank and get their claws and when you brought it back you would get 10000 Gold>

The moment I saw the later I was strongly against but when I said that he wasn't strong enough to do this mission he showed his cultivation stage. I couldn't sense it so he had to tell me, at first I thought he was at Qi refinement stage as he was able to release his aura but then he told me that it was technique, I asked him how he got it but he was very quiet about so I knew it was a secret so I didn't go to into it.

After looking at his brave and passionate expression I let him go, but after I let him go he spent hour and days in his hunting session.

This continued for a while and I would have believed that he was cheating on me with someone, except that whenever he came his cloths would be filled with blood and he would have a bag filled with lots of claws of animals.

The routine of him killing monsters continued for a month before he stopped and told me that he was going live this place and join a sect. At first, I said ill come with him but he refused as he knows that he wasn't strong enough to protect me, I was touched by his words.

After a week passed Eric came back home and did something to me which made me start releasing this muddy water than he told me he wanted to have sex, which he had never asked for a couple of weeks. Feeling embarrassed I took off my cloths. After that was finished he told me that he was come back in 2 weeks, in a blink of an eye the weeks finished and he was ready to ready to leave this place but before he could he did something to me which again made me feel good and release this muddy water.

After he left i cultivated for those days and since had been breaking through 2 stages and decided if I break through 6 more stages and he hasn't come back I'll go look for him myself.

The goal for me breaking for the time being was to break through 6 stages than go look for Eric.