Scaring The Shit Out Of The Grand Elders

10000-> 10000000-> 1000000000-> 1000000000000->100000000000000000000

As Eric looked at the numbers go up to the unbelievable 33.33 powered to 10x 1b from 1 B he was pretty sure that he could do anything and get away, as today was the day that his Plot Armor was at its peak and won't reach this high in a few arcs.

While Eric was thinking about his plot Armor, the grand elder was thinking about the mistake they had done by making Eric take the test again. Before Eric took the test, they thought that they were equal and could beat him if they really fought, because their experience they had gone through in the past thousandths of year but now they learnt, even if Eric didn't have any experience he was already strong enough to eradicate the whole clan with 1 finger.

Now they thought if Eric was just stepped in transcended being stage, the sect master to could defeat him easily, but the 33.33 powered to 10 x1b shows that he is at the peak of transcended being and the whole sect won't be able to do anything to him if he tried to destroy it. If you tell a normal cultivator that a person at the peak of transcended being destroyed a sect that had a transcended being and 4 overlord they would probably say "Do you think I'm a retard" but what can you say to them if they don't understand the meaning of transcended Being. In transcended stage each break through to another Sub-Stage is a 33.33 multiplier.

The elder' s slowly walked towards Eric, Eric noticed them walking towards him while trembling, he was pretty sure that he had scared the shit out of them. He Stood there while keeping his head up to show his superiority to them. The grand elders saw Eric looking down on them, the second they saw this, they bowed down, "Senior we are very sorry, plz I beg you don't kill us" they said this in perfect synch, they weren't even of by a millisecond. Eric looked at them and said, "Don't worry I'm not that heartless to kill everybody", that's what he said but what he really was thinking was 'You lucky bastards if I had the power your heads won't be connected to your neck right now'. The elders felt relief but didn't try to get back up from their bowing position until Eric said, "you can get up now".

They elders stood up straight and one them told Eric "If you still want to join our sect senior please follow us." Eric was still trying to get in this sect so he had to come up with something to say, "I am bored of traveling, I guess I'll be your elder and take me to a place to rest".

Eric didn't want to reveal his secret by staying with these old men and tried to get away from them as fast as possible.

The elder started to take Eric towards a large mountain that was surrounding them, 10 minutes later they reached the top of the mountain, the elder took Eric to the house on top of the mountain where the most qi would condense.

The elders decided to leave but before they could leave they gave Eric a scrawl and a stone. One of the old men pointed at the stone and said, "That stone is for transporting senior, it can transport you anywhere in the sect and the scrawl in your hand is for introducing the stuff in senior's court yard that is right behind you".

Eric looked at them and asked, "How do you use the stone"

The elder that explained what the stone did again spoke up "You just need to focus on it and it will show you a map of the sect".

After waiting a bit, he continued "it will show 3 maps the first one is the core area of the sect, the second one is for inner area and the third one is for outer area, the core are, inner area and outer are or in different places".

After his explanation Eric, turned around and started to walk toward the court yard, while he was walking toward the court yard he opened the scrawl and checked the information in it.

Eric finished reading the first the scrawl the instant he opened it, the scrawl went along these lines,

How to open the court yard

Send a bit of Qi in the scrawl your reading right now and it will open to you, when you send your qi towards the door.

What are the rooms in the court yard for.

There are 5 doors in the court yard,

First being the cultivation room where you cultivate.

Second door, is the bedroom

Third door is Gravity room, when you're inside this place times slows down by 3 times and increases your body weight by the amount you want it to increase

Fourth door is library room, this place has lots of cultivation books and books about information about the world.

Fifth room is a formation for fighting, in this place you get into fight with people equal to your level, you can set the cultivation of the things you are fighting to be higher or lower.

Eric sent his qi in the scrawl and then again sent his qi to the door that was right in front of him, he entered the room and looked around and saw exactly what the scrawl said that it would have, except that there was a big kitchen and a table in front of him.

After the elders saw Eric walk in the room the let sigh of relief as they were under pressure the whole time they were with Eric them, after they sighed the disappeared from the spot they were standing on and reappeared in a new place, it was a very dark place and you could see anything in there, you couldn't see anything until the candles in the rooms was turned on and the moment happened you could hear "Who the fuck turned on the candles, I swear I will kill your whole family".