Creating A Sect

After naming the sect, suddenly a menu appeared in front of eric's eyes

Sect System

Members: 1


Cultivation mountains: 0

Sect Master: Eric

Grand elder: 0

Elders: 0

Core disciples: 0

Inner disciples: 0

Outer disciples: 0

Seeing the statistics of his sect he felt a bit sad as there was no other member except himself in the sect. Eric was very interested to see what the 'rank' on the stats meant so, he asked the Sect-System,

"What does rank in the sect statistic mean"

*Ching*= The rank is for how many transcendent you have in your sect.

"What happens if your higher than transcendent"

*Ching*= The rank starts to change into a star

"What does the star mean then"

*Ching*= It means that one person from the sect has enough power to leave the planet and break the suppression force from his/her body.

Understanding what the rank and the star meant Eric felt a bit more knowledgeable but what he really wanted to know was how to build a cultivation mountain, before eric could think even away to build a cultivation mountain he heard the system.

*Ching*= You can buy everything related to the sect from the sect system shop.

Hearing the sect-system voice I checked the shop, to see stuff that I didn't even know off.

One of them was heavens stair, it basically increased your talent by 2% each step. At first Eric thought that he should by it with upgrade card the moment he got some but the currency in this shop was different. It needed sect point and not just 10k or 100k but a whole 2 million sect points to buy the Heavens stair.

Eric asked the sect system

"how do I earn sect points?'

*Ching*= sect points are earned by you reaching a higher stage or you get a gift pack when 10 people reach a certain stage, each gift pack has sect points in it and the higher the cultivation of those people are the better the rewards in the pack is. The lowest rank gift pack has a minimum 10k sect points in it and with some other stuff.

"What cultivation does the 10 people has to be at for me to get a gift pack?"

*Ching*= You receive 1 gift pack if the 10 people are at strength refinement, the lowest gift pack is when you get it because of 10 people reaches Muscle refinement stage.

Eric was thinking if he had to break through stages to get Sect points than he has already broken through 5 stages. Knowing that he had already broken through 5 stages, he asked the sect system,

"How much do I have for breaking through 5 stages"

*Ching*= You currently have 5 million sect points.

Hearing that he had 5 million sect point, he quickly opened the shop from the sect system and quickly bought the heavens stair and started to look through the shop to find some other thing that he could buy.

After looking for a while he found 5 more stuff that he bought immediately as that was needed the most right now.

The first thing that he bought after the heavens stair was a pocked dimension that he could build the sect in. The pocked dimension had 2 great function. (costed him 1m)

First being that the time in there was 5 times slower than real time, which means that 1 day was 5 days inside the dimension.

The second one was that you could get in the sect from wherever you are if you have one of the of the wrest bands that came with the system.

The second thing he bought from the Shop was a treasury, which improved the treasure that is inside of it. (Costed him 100k)

The third thing was a large land spreading at least 500k in area, the land that he bought would make the cultivation speed 3 times the original persons. (Costed him 500k)

The fourth item he bought was a life tree, the tree was mainly there to keep the land nourished the whole time so that the land doesn't go bad but every 100 year the tree dropped a fruit that can make you cultivate for 100 years in one day. (costed him 600k).

The fifth item he bought was a cultivation mountain, whoever that cultivated on the lower part of the mountain only had refine 70% of the qi while the rest was done by the mountain itself, in the middle you only had to refine 50%. In the upper part you only had to Refine 60% and on the peak, you had to refine only 70%. (Costed him 600k)

After buying 5 items he was left with only with 100k system points, which he decided to spend on Court yards. The 100k abought him over 2000 court yards distributed throughout the land.

There was 50 court yards on the cultivation mountain and the rest was on the ground. You would thing that looking at this place you would see the cultivation mountain as the tallest thing on the land would be the mountain but it was beaten by the heavens stair as it had no ending to its step.

Before Eric could leave this place, Eric decided to quickly walk up the step and see how far he can with meeting any kind of difficulty.

He started to walk on the heaven stair and the moment he stepped on it his cultivation was improved and he broke through Martial king and became a martial emperor.

*Ching*= you have received 1 million sect point for reaching the next stage

He continued to step on the next stage he felt that his talent improved by a bit. Eric decided to this until he was feeling that it was hard to move but the moment he decided to take his next step he couldn't move his leg but he could move backwards.

He asked the sect-system why he couldn't move the system said

*Ching*= your talent has reached the limit of this world and is impossible to improve your talent anymore.

He was surprised as he remembered the system say the same thing but he thought the system made a mistake when he said he couldn't upgrade his talent higher than Legendary. The reason he believed the system made mistake was because the system upgraded his wife's Physique and talent to mythical. He asked the system about it to only hear

*Ding*= that is only possible to hosts wife because she has the privilege of being hosts wife and will have everything in the system easier than you can, everything in the system is 10 times easier for her to get.

Eric mind was blank right as he was thinking if the system was his or his wife's.

[ what do you guys think Eric should buy with the remaining 1 million sect points? ]