{Starting the revenge} Half of the chapter is an asspull

Eric and Lucy talked for a while before Eric told her that they are going to his sect. Eric held Lucy's hand and were transported to the sect.

Eric appeared in the sect and went straight to his disciples, and contract beast, he introduces Lucy to them as his wife. When he introduced her to them, al 3 of them were very respectful to her. Even though 3 of them were very respectful, Lea Wei felt a bit of jealousy towards Lucy.

After staying in the sect for a while eric decided that he needed to get use to his new-found power, so he decided to fight so strong people but he didn't want to kill somebody that he doesn't have anything to do with him.

Eric at first thought he was under control of all of his strength but after running for a while he noticed that whatever he stepped on would break down completely, and when he was conversing with Lucy sometime he talked very fast and Lucy couldn't understand him.

He was thinking if there was people who had done him harm, even though his original parents were somebody that did him harm, but he didn't have the strength to get out of this world and go to another world.

If Eric normally cultivated his way to his new-found power he could leave this planet and go to others but when he asked the system if he could go outside this world it said,

*Ding*= You can but if you do your body will be ripped apart by any rips in space or any kind dimensional voids.

Eric also asked for a way to go outside this world without being damaged by any kind of rips in space or space void.

*Ding*= you can after you comprehend your own law by reaching Original law state.

He was thinking about that when he remembered that he had people who had harmed in this world, they didn't exactly harm him but they did harm the original Eric.

The people that killed Eric's parents still lived in this world so now Eric thought of measuring his strength by going and killing every person that was involved in the destruction of Eric's family.

Eric released his consciousness and started looking for the empire Eric was from. After looking for a couple of second he found a city named 'Huegh City', this city was where he previously lived with his parents. Without waiting for anything he started flying running that way and reached it the next moment.

Eric was ready to send a message to all living beings in this empire but he wanted to look more dominant.

Eric looked at the sky and thought the only thing that could make him more powerful in the people's eyes are to be at the top of them.

He asked the system to give him a flying technique, after asking for a technique the system sent a notification.

You have learnt the skill closer, you can now fly by surrounding your whole body with your qi.

Eric wanted to know why this skill was named closer, he thought that if the person named 'flying' it would sound better than a skill that sounds like it named after a love story.

Eric started to read through the kill and suddenly felt sad because of making fun of it name. the reason he felt sad was because the name was named after a person's love life.

The skill was created by a cultivator that was in love with one of his sect member, but for him to show that he was strong enough for her to marry him, he needed to get strong, and not just strong but unbelievably strong to the point he could dominate over transcendent beings. Even though the cultivator didn't need to get that strong to marry her he wanted to prove himself to the parents of the girl and marry her with her parent agreement. Once the cultivator learnt that his old sect was being attacked by one of his enemies, he wondered who would dare to attack somebody he related to when he learned the person that was attacking his sect was a person that he had spared after killing his family. He felt enraged and remembered the reason he killed his family.

The persons family had killed one of his best friend when he was not that strong. At first, he didn't know who killed his friend but after learning about who killed him he destroyed the whole family and late only one of them alive and that was the person that had ordered to kill his best friend. He let him go to feel the power of being with any family and power. Now that he learnt that the sect he was looking forward to go next month to marry his fiancé was being attacked, he felt enraged and started to fly towards the sect, but he currently was too far from the sect and it would take him hours to reach it.

He flew with everything he had in him and wished that nothing would happen to his fiancé that he had got the chance to marry, after so much time. After flying for 5 hours he reached his sect when he reached he saw only one person lying down on the ground. He went to look at the person to only see a girl on her last breath.

She looked at him and said "WN, I'm sorry but I'm dying".

He looked at her calmly and took out a rank 10 pill, as he was about to give it to her she lost all life and died.


He started to look for the person that did this, he looked everywhere for 10 minutes before he found a yellow haired 30 years old man and the moment he saw him, he took his soul and started to burn it with his phoenix fire, the person soul was being tortured until it died out completely, which would make him not be able to go to reincarnation cycle

After experiencing this horrifying experience, he decided to make a skill that could change another people's fate. Months after months passed until he finally created the skill he wanted and he named it closer, the skill will transport you 10% closer to you Destination every 5 minutes by observing you into a portal.

The End

Eric did care about what happened to them and just used the skill to fly up, the moment he did he released his qi which dropped every bodies cultivation stage by 2 stages.

[Sorry guys that I had to this to you guys but for some reason I wanted to start the revenge story next chapter.]