Purple Hair Girl

Eric and the other person started to walk upstairs.

They past the first floor and continued till 4th floor. In this floor there wasn't many tables s here but there was enough people in the room to fill the floor.

The inn was filled from the ground floor till the fourth floor with Eric coming in.

Eric went and sat on the table that was free.

The table was near the window so he had a clear view of the outside.

He sat there and asked for a waitress to take his order, the waitress came and he ordered some drinks and food.

For drank he just said, "give me the best drink you have" and for the food he asked for some spaghetti with some meat balls.

After ordering his food Eric looked outside to see the people passing across the street in front of the inn.

Eric looked at the street for a while until his food arrived.

The moment it came he devoured the food and ordered another 3 plates, as the food tasted very good and he wanted test the food couple of more times before he left.

Eric was eating his food when he heard a commotion down stairs

. He spread hi aura to see what was happening, when he saw what was happening he felt bit of similarity in the person situation.

The person that was causing the commotion was a purples hair girl, that was around 18 or something.

She seemed that she was traveling and came here to eat some food before continuing with her journey.

The girl was trying to get a sit on the top floor but Eric had taken the last sit and she had to go to the other inn.

The receptionist was trying to lead her to the other inn but the girl didn't want to go.

The receptionist was getting annoyed of the girl and called for the guard.

The guards stormed in the room and tried to take the girl from her hand but the moment his hand came close he lost his life and died as somebody had slashed his head off.

The other guard saw what happened and walked back but sadly for him he died along with the receptionist and the other guard.

Nobody saw what happened but Eric saw the whole thing in slow motion, the moment the guard came near the girl another person appeared beside the girl and killed the person and after killing the first guard he continued to kill the other two people that had provoked the girl.

The girl had now reached the top floor and was coming in, when she got in the 4th floor, everybody except Eric left the floor and when the girl saw this she came next to Eric and said, "can you get up, I want to sit next the window".

Not looking at her Eric said, "go sit somewhere else".

Seeing that he didn't gave a shit about what she said, she got mad and said, "do type know who I am?"

Eric was still not looking at her and just said

"Do you know who I am?"

She could only see the back of his head as He was looking out the window while drinking his drink.

"No, I don't know you" she said annoyingly as Eric had returned her question back to her.

After hearing her answer, I said

"So, if you don't know me, then how should I know".

Now the girl was raging inside, she turned around and said, "kill him".

The girl probably thought that Eric was another weak cultivator, but the moment the guard came out Eric released his Qi and made the girl and the guard that came out kneel.

Eric turned around and said, "did I just heard you say to them to kill me".

The girl was shocked as she saw Eric heaven defying face, but his face was something that she forgot after she felt that she was kneeling for no reason.

She tried to get up but the moment she tried to move her body, she couldn't move at all.

The girl know that she had just hit a metal wall but she didn't care that much about what was happening.

The only reason she didn't care was because the moment she saw that she was kneeling in front of this person she asked for her dad to come here by breaking her emergency token, which transports her dad after 10 second to where she is.

When she broke the emergency token Eric saw what she was doing and asked the system and the system told him that it was a transportation formation that would summon someone that has dropped his blood on it.

Eric was excited as the people that he was currently suppressing were at transcendent being, so the next person that would come here the person would at least be very strong.

Eric waited excitedly there,

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

The light distorted and someone appeared in front of the girl.

The girl looked at the person excitedly and was waiting to see the boy that made her kneel die.

The person that appeared was an old man with a red hair covering his shoulder and golden eyes shining from top his face.

He was carrying a long black sword on his back with his aura exploding everywhere.

This person was in a hunt and was after a major law stage beast when he transported out of nowhere.

At first, he thought that something might have happened to him and was being transported by a formation set by the beast but the moment he appeared where he was transported. He saw his daughter kneeling with his guards, he looked where the suppression force was coming when he saw a boy in his 20 sitting down and drinking something.

He was about to take out his sword when.