Battle Royal

In the eyes of other cultivators, the spear looked very fast but to Eric it was like a slug trying to walk in slow motion. After a while the spear reached Eric, Eric just stepped side and it messed him but before the spear could go any further than his shoulder Eric grabbed and got in the same position as the cultivator that through the spear.

Eric only put 0.1% of his strength in the spear as he didn't want to destroy the world, putting 0.1% Eric throwed the spear from where It came from. The spear cracked the space and flow towards its owner at an unbelievable speed, which couldn't even be seen by a transcendent being. The spear went through it owners body than went straight to the person that had ordered him to attack Eric.

Eric sent a bit of qi to where the spear went and surrounded and area of 300m, after surrounding that much space the spear blowed up and killed the whole sect member with the sect master.

After doing that he let the other people to react to what happened, couple of millisecond passed before the people notice that there was a crater in the middle of the city and thye were surprised as the crater was where the Mij sect member were flying at. The cultivators slowly caught up to what happened and could only relate to the person that was meant to be dead right now from the attack of one of the Mij sect member.

Every cultivator started to fear Eric as they didn't want to die without not knowing how they died. Eric waited for the cultivator to calm down than said "If anyone else wants to be an example for the other 3 groups please step up and I'll grant you that wish"

Everybody knew that if they even do one thing that displeased this person they would probably the reason why their sect was destroyed without them even being able to defend.

Nobody stepped up so Eric could do nothing to them right now.

While Eric was thinking about not being able to anything, he also knew if he did anything they would die, without helping Eric to understand his new-found power better. Eric was wrecking his brain to find a new idea to make this fun since it won't be helping him if he tried to fight them.

As he was thinking he came up with to deas that would help him in some way.

1st one was to kill every cultivator in here than feed it to his contract beast, so that his Partner could get stronger and that would result in an improvement in his sect's manpower.

{You might be wondering that his sect beast can only consume higher level beings to improve his cultivation, but thanks to it being upgraded to legendary it now can eat any kind of being and it can improve jis cultivation. "Lower rank monsters won't help that much}.

2nd choice was that he would make the five groups have a battle royal and he would watch the match as it was happening.

After thinking for a while he decided that he would make them have a battle royal and he would watch them on the side lines. He also decided to split the battle royal in to 2 groups, the first group would fight the group that were matched with and if they won they can move on to the next round. The next match would follow the same rule of them fighting and the winning team would move on to the finals and fight against the other opponent. Eric knew they probably wouldn't fight without a motivation, which he decided that their reward would be that could leave the place without being killed.

After confirming his plan, he decided to tell the competitors

"Okay all of you lesson now as his would depend on your life".

"I have decided to put you guys in a battle royal, the competitors in this competition would be all of you here. To keep the competition fair the nobles well divide into four equal groups which than later each of the small groups will go to a sect".

"The rules are as follows, you can use anything to defeat the other competitors, when the groups enter the ring the fight starts. The competition is a death match and you have to kill all the members of the other team to pass to the next round"

"To keep you guys motivated, the team that wins the battle royal will be able to keep their life"

Off all the groups the Eiu Sect were very happy from what was happening, the reason behind it was that they were the strongest sect in the Frug Empire, which means that they have a higher chance of winning the match.

While the Eiu sect was happy about this develop meant the other sect were already saying goodbye to their lives and were ready to die.

Eric Knew that this was an unfair match so he decided to suppress some of the Eiu sect cultivators by sending his qi in their dantain.

After making the matches fair Eric bought an arena from the upgrade system and put it on the ground where there wasn't any people there.

After putting it down he divided the nobles equally in number and power into 4 groups.

As Eric was doing what he was doing the Cultivator lost their common sense from what they knew about how a spatial ring worked.

Everybody believed that a spatial ring could only fit an item about 2k but this arena was near 3.5 km, the lower level cultivators thought that way but the higher ones were already convinced that eric is the strongest person in this world. The reason being that when you ascend from this world you can create spatial crakes in space to put your items in there.

After he did everything, he pointed at 2 groups, and gestured to them to get on the stage.

The groups were Dsug sect and Feiw Sect, about 3 thousand cultivators started to march in the arena and spread throughout the arena. When they were ready eric said "Start".

{What do you guys think about this development}