
The canons light slowly started to decay, and started to slowly show a body of young man with any cloths on. Eric noticed what happened to his body instantly went to a clothing shop in the city to buy a something to wear before somebody saw him naked.

He entered a cloths store and picked the best-looking clothes and putted it on, after putting it on he went back to where he came from, which was the area where the remaining sect were at currently.

Eric reached the spot where he was shot, by the canon and cleared his throat before saying

"Did you really thought that I would die from that weak attack"

After he said that everybody looked at the spot where Eric was currently standing at. As they were looking at the spot, where the voice came from they wished that what they just heard was just their imagination.

"How is this possible" was what everybody said in unison.

Hearing their question Eric looked at them and said, "It cause I'm too OP".

Everybody on the area saw the arrogant and mocking look on Eric but they couldn't do anything as he was strong and not just normal strong but crazily strong.

Eric decided that he would kill everybody in here as they were no to annoying for him to handle. After deciding to get rid of them he went and supressed everybody except one person till their body started to break down and start turning into ashes.

When the people first felt his pressure, they were about suffocate but that wasn't the only thing that they could, they also were feeling their bodies turn into dust.

Eric looked at theses cultivators turning to dust when he saw a boy was being held by another person while the boy was saying,

Boy, "MR. Gre….."

Boy, "I don't feel so good…."

MR. Gre, "are you alright?"

Boy, "I don't Know- I don't know what's happening..."

Boy, "I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go….." (His voice sounds like when you're about to cry)

Boy, "Sir please, please I don't wanna go…." (Starts Crying)

Boy, "I don't wanna go"

Boy, "I'm sorry" { Good Luck on getting that reference}

The boy turns into sand and so does Mr. Gre.

Seeing that Eric feels a bit sad for the kid but that emotion wasn't there for long as he moved next to the person that he didn't killed and went to ask him to lead him towards where the sects were.

Seeing that Eric was coming towards him the last survivor was scared shitless and only could stand there with his mind going blank. Eric went close to him to bring him back to reality by slapping him on the face. Eric slapped him on the face and it made a very loud sound but that wasn't still enough to make this person come back of his mental disorder or whatever he was currently going through.

Eric now had to wait for this person to get out of his mind blankness and come back to earth. 10 minutes later, the person was still in another world and wasn't trying to come back any time soon, this left Eric only one choice which was to insert a sword inside this person's body and see if he wakes up from the blankness of his minds. Eric picked the closest sword to him and started to insert the sword inside the body of this cultivator.

After a second passed the person started to scream and come back to reality and when he came back, Eric quickly told him if he goes back to the state he was just in, he would kill him without thinking for a second.

Telling him that Eric told him to give the locations of the sect that he had just fought. The person knew where the sect was so he had to tell Eric the location and if he didn't he would had died.

The person quickly sent the locations of the sect through his consciousness and the moment Eric got the info he started to move and arrive where the first sect was.

Eric wasn't bothered to look at who's sect this was and only went to get the treasures in the sect treasury.

The sect he was currently in was like a city and had no difference except that it was built between 9 mountains. Eric looked at the mountains and learnt that it was a cultivation mountain from how pure the qi on top of the mountain was.

Eric ignored the mountains (as they didn't even compare to the bottom of his peak where the purification of the qi was the lowest) and went straight towards the area that he felt the strongest qi was coming from.

He walked towards the area of the qi and was ready to blast everything in his way to get to the treasures.

30 second later

After walking slowly for 30 seconds Eric reached his destination, which was the treasury of this sect. The treasury was protected by a large golden door that released an overwhelming pressure on the person that was looking at it but that pressure was like a drop of water in and ocean when you compared it to what Eric could release.

Eric went in front of the door and casually punched it, "Boom" the door slowly started to turn into sand like how the cultivators that were under Eric pressure.

The moment he started to walk inside the treasury room his eyes were blinded by a golden light that was being radiated by the treasures in this room. It took a while for Eric to get used to this light that was coming towards his eys but he had to deal with it as he was going to see this light more often from now on. Eric looked around the treasury that was filled with treasure and money that the sect had saved for a while. He kept on looking at it before deciding to call all of it inside his Spatial ring.

(I have decided to give my character a sub system called "The Anime System". I don't have to tell you guys what the system does as the name already describes itself but I have some questions since I'm deciding to send him in an anime world "should he have the knowledge of what's gonna happen in the anime or not" and "do you guys think it's a good idea?" Another question "What anime do you guys want the MC to go to?" the next chapter will be after I get some answers for my questions)