Opening 35 gift packs

From what he was seeing from the stats eric stopped the notification for a second and asked the system

"Why have I levelled up so much?"

*Ding*= as you were transforming the cocoon you were in, was released huge amount of spiritual pressure which killed the hollows that came near the cocoon since the killing was related to you the system started to absorb them as exp to level you up.

"But there wasn't any hollow tin this area that could be level 1000 and without a high level hollow without be able to level up with the hollow in here that much, how did I level up so fast to the current level".

*Ding*= As the cocoon was releasing the soul pressure, it opened a gate to Hueco Mundo and the creature in the place were attracted to your spiritual pressure came here but the moment they did the died and were absorbed by the system which lead to you levelling up very fast.

The system continued to send notification after it answered Eric's questions.

Ding= you have evolved 3 times

Ding= you have gained 21 milestone packs and 2 major milestones

packs. Would you like to open all the packs you currently have.

35 milestone packs and 3 major milestone packs.

Eric looked at the gift packs that he gotten and decided to open the 35-milestone pack and leave the major mile stone pack for later.

Open the 35 milestone packs and leave the major milestone packs for later.

After he said that he heard the system start the notification spree on what he got.

Ding= (A) Sword x10, (S) Scythe, (C) regeneration pill x34, (SSS) Hadō Kidō X1, (B) Teleport x9

(S) Blood Purity x 50, (C) Escape talisman, x3, (SSS+) Buff.

The nonfictions for what Eric got finished then another group of notification came.

*Ding*= Zanpakuto function unlocked, "Your Zanpakuto has been effected by your Quincy bloodline".

*Ding* You have received a new mission

1, Fight the two Shinigamis, Rewards, 40k Anime Points And 2% of you power will be refined.

The notifications ended and now it was time for Eric to check somethings out,

"Tell me the effects of what I got from the milestones packs"

The word came out of eric mouth then a long stream of information's popped up.

*Ding*= Sword, it 10 swords that have great effects while wielding them. "Can be used to awaken Your zanpakuto.

*Ding*= Scythe, A weapon used by death, "Can turn into you Zanpakuto while your awakening it".

*Ding*= Regeneration pill, regenerates any wounds on your body, when it taken.

*Ding*= Hadō Kidō, refer to offensive spells which cause harm to enemies or cause damage to the environment.

*Ding*= You have gained the skill, Bakudo #99 Kinjitou no Tenshimune (Heavenly Gifted Will of the Pyramid)

*Ding*= Teleport, takes you anywhere that can increase your power

Blood Purity: Purifies your Bloodline by 2%, Host is suggested to use this before you awaken your zanpakuto as it will increase your chance of getting a better ability for your weapon.

*Ding*= Buff, will increase your power by 50% for 5 days.

After seeing the informations he asked the system to tell him what his new skill did.

Name: Bakudo #99 Kinjitou no Tenshimune (Heavenly Gifted Will of the Pyramid)

Class: Kido

Type: Defensive

Tier: VII

Range: 50 meter

Incantation: "White demon, black demon. Guardian of north, east, south, west. Pillar of Light, Spears of Darkness. Protection of Heaven, wish of the Desert. Treasure of the Heavens, Curse of the Earth. Four items, five creators of light. Band, disband, form. Unite, shape the ultimate shield. Earth obeys my orders, Heaven guards my soul."

Description: The ultimate defensive Bakudō, capable of defending the user against virtually any attacks, those lower ranked cannot even dream of breaking this pyramid-shaped green barrier with even a Hakkeshou. While those equal ranked and higher with a similar level Kidou would dent and eventually finally destroy the barrier. This barrier is unique in that it can guard not only a single person, but an entire group of people from an onslaught of attacks. This barrier can be held up for immense periods of time before it finally collapses due to strain.

Learning the effects of the technique Eric asked the system how he could awaken his Zanpakuto but before he did that, he asked the system to consume the 50 blood purity pills and purify his quicy blood line.

His purity for Quincy bloodline went up and he got a notification from the system

*Ding*= you can now manifest weapon from your Spiritual power.

Eric looked at his Shinigami bloodline that had went from 20% to 40%.

The bloodline didn't give him anything except raise his power at least by 10% while the Quincy blood line raised his Soul Power by exactly 50% thanks to his bloodline purity being 100%. His 50 blood purifying pill was absorbed by his body and made his Quincy and Shinigami bloodline reach a higher Percentage.

After hearing so much notification eric stopped paying attention to the system and started to pay attention to the people he was sensing right now.

The light from the cocoon had disappeared a long time ago and the shinigamis already saw Eric flying in the air.

What surprised them was that the person had Shinigami clothes and aura, but it was mixed 2 different auras that they knew what it was. They were sensing a hollow, Shinigami and Quincy aura from the person but his Quincy bloodline was currently the strongest one that pressured them.

Eric saw them and was wondering how this people not die when they were close to him while he was in the cocoon before he could ask the system the system said.

*Ding*= when they arrived here the cocoon was releasing less than 5% of its original aura which lead them to survive.

Eric looked at their stats to check their power to see that their levels were in the 6 thousand area and their powers were around 182100 while their hp were around 0.54 million.

As he was looking at them eric looked to his side to see a black wing flapping itself, eric was shocked to see this as the wings were connected to his back.

He quickly asked the system "what is this?"

Two Questions: 1, What weapon do you guyss want eric to have as his zanpakuto

2, I have got an idea for a new story do you guys want me to write this story and the new story at the same time.

Heres a description of the story:

Its about this kid that creates a bot that could hack any system, sites, games, banks and anything that you could think of but when he was about to use it he dies but before he does the bot bends with his soul, which leads to him to be able to hack anything. The first thing he does is hack his body to become a gamers body.

Second he hacks a game, where he has to play as himself in the game and when his character in the game levels up he levels up too.