Eric vs Grimmjow

The little girl started to lead me towards a place.

As she was walking I could feel 10 strong powers coming from somewhere in this place.

Eric ignored and wanted to find this places headquarters first then go fight the strong power, so he could level up.

1 hour later

Nelliel stopped walking and showed Eric a large building that was straight out of the medieval times.

The roof of the building was round, and it was surrounded by other tall buildings.

Eric looked at her and asked "is this the headquarters of this place"

She looked me then said "yes".

Eric quickly started walking towards the building but before he could, he was stopped by a person.

The person that stop Eric is a tall, muscular man with light blue spiky hair and light blue eyes, the latter including green lines below them, like the eye markings on the Panthera genus of cats.

His attire consisted of a white hakama, a black sash and a ragged white jacket with an upturned collar. The inner lining of his jacket is black, and he wore it with the sleeves rolled up and leaving it open to expose his muscular chest. The remains of his Hollow mask consist of the right jawbone and his Hollow hole is located on his abdomen.

After checking his appearance Eric went on to check his stats.

Name: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez

Race: Arracaner

Lv: 8573

Strength: 899372

Stamina: 897373

Defence: 986362

Agility: 1000737

Attack: 879392

Spiritual pressure: 962728

Hp: 1585838

Eric took a quick look at his stats and looked back at the blue haired guy.

Grimmjow saw Eric looking at him so he thoughts it was time for him to do his job, which was to kill Eric. The reason behind that was that Eric released a Quincy's bloodline which made it seem to them Ichigo was a Quincy.

Eric had 2 other bloodlines but since his Quincy bloodline was stronger, his Quincy aura suppressed the other 2 bloodlines.

Without waiting for anything Grimmjow leaped towards Sam and took out his sword. He slashed it towards Eric's neck, the sword started to come towards Eric at a fast pace but before it could touch Eric it was stopped by Eric's scythe.

Ding= win the fight, reward 300k anime points and 10% power refined, lose -300k anime points and 20% of power will be sealed.

'What heck how is the penalty takes more things then what the reward gives', Eric said in his mind.

After stopping his sword Eric took this opportunity to kick grimmjow in his stomach. Eric lifted his leg and did a kick straight towards grimmjow's stomach.

The kick landed on his body and he was sent at least 5 meters away from his spot before he stopped.

Grimmjow was surprised as he knew that most Quincy's could only use an arrow and a bow but this time this person had kicked him with a kick that had the same amount of power as his kicks did. Grimmjow quickly got ready to attack Eric again after failing his first try. This time he put his sword back in its place and decided to fight with his bare hand.

Seeing this Eric put his own scythe back in his consciousness and started to get ready to fight with his hand too.

Both of them slowly started to walk towards each other and after getting in 3-meter radius of each other they started to get in their fighting stance.

Eric leaped towards grimmjow and went straight to hit him with a hard blow in his face but Eric did not consider the fact that his opponent was faster than him, which resulted in grimmjow grabbing Eric's hand and twisting.

Eric did not feel that much of pain but that did not mean he did got any injuries.

Eric looked at his arm see a loss arm hanging there. After seeing that he looked at the notification that had popped up and saw that he had lost 200k hp point from losing his arm.

Eric quickly went and bought lots of pill and started to absorb them through the system. He waited till he could feel his arm, after he could feel his arm he stopped absorbing pills and brought back his attention to the fight. As Eric was absorbing pill grimmjow saw that Eric wasn't paying attention to him and quickly kicked him on his face with his full power.

Eric was sent flying the moment he had fixed his arm.

Eric was not stopping anytime soon as he was hit very hard on his face, Eric noticed if he let things go like this he would be damaged even more when he is stopped by an object. As he didn't want to be damaged again Eric did a flip in the air by using his spiritual power to use as support.

He did a spin and landed on his legs but that wasn't enough to stop him from moving. His legs started to go inside the ground and as it did sand started to fly everywhere, until it was big enough that you couldn't see anything.

If you looked from the right side from a very far away, you could see a line being formed on top of the ground by the sand.

After a few seconds Eric was stopped thanks to his legs transferring most of the kinetic energy to the ground.

Eric started running back towards where he had come from and thought to himself he would not randomly attack and not heal himself while fighting, the reason being that, the kick he had just took, took away 100k of his hp.

as he was thinking that he saw grimmjow get closer to him and the moment they did they threw a punch towards each other.

Eric throw his right fist and grimmjow throw his left fist.

Both of their fists landed on each other's face and went deep enough to change their facial features.

As this was happening Nelliel went and hid behind a huge rock.

You might be wondering why I didnt post for the last 4-7 days.

i have to reasond for not posting

1: One of my family members died and i coudnt post anything for the last 4-7 days.

*Gets of his bed, kneels down on the floor, puts his face on the ground and starts talking "Please god, dont take any of my family members away as i was just trying to hide my laziness and wanted to do ther fun stuff".*

2: I have gained a very horrible, treacherous, deadly, more serious then cancer, a disease called 'LIGMA'.