A New Spirit

Once again, minutes later, the trees swayed back and forth and a few more Fly monsters came out, however, this time, two flew over at fast speeds towards Niko's group. Both of them focused on Louis and confidence still was shown on his face and body movements as he dodged both fly monsters with ease. It was as if he was an untouchable god.

Before the flies could redirect their attack, Niko commanded the two orbs to attack the monsters.

Extending his arm, both spirits flew towards the fly monsters together.



"Damn it!" Niko cursed as one of the orbs completely missed. The woman moved toward the fly on the ground which was farther away without fear and stomped on it, while the other one focused on Niko and prepared to attack.

"Oh no…" Niko's mind began to be filled with worry as the fly began to flap its wings. Niko tried to move the orbs back to attack him, but both concentration and speed were not on his side.

The fly monster flew towards Niko with an extremely fast speed and as it was about to strike him.


The fly caught on blue fire, as its body fell from the air and hit the ground. It spazzed out on the grassy ground as it tried to get rid of the fire, however, it was unable to get rid of it, as it gave in to the hellish pain.

It laid there, lifelessly. The strange thing about the death was the fact that it looked completely fine as there weren't any burn marks on its body. It looked as alive as before.

Niko turned his head and looked at Simon, as he connected the blue flames with him. Simon was panting as if he had just run miles. The huge candle was no longer lit as it looked just like a dirt pillar, with nothing special about it.

"Thank you." Niko spoke sincerely.

"No… Problem…" Simon panted as his forehead was covered with beads of sweat. He leaned on the dirt pillar which once was the huge candle.

"Was that your secret?" Louis asked with a smirk.

Simon simply revealed a mysterious smile, as if telling Louis that he still possessed much more to offer.

"Thank you!" Maria spoke from the side, bowing and showing a sincere look on her face.

Niko turned to look at her and noticed a small grey oval gem being gripped on her hand. She gripped on the oval gem as if it was her life.

Niko understood that Maria had finally received her gem. She stomped on the fly making it look like mashed green mush. Her legs and hands were covered in green liquid, however, she paid no mind, her mind was thinking only of the gem.

¨Activate it. It's best to train in it right now.¨ Louis said eagerly.

Maria nodded and activated the skill gem as she was briefly surrounded by a silver light.

As this was happening, Niko decided to use [Spirit King's Order] on one of the dead flies.

Niko had noticed that every time he used his skill to summon spirits, he would lose two points in mana power and it would take five minutes for one mana power to replenish. The only reason he was taking the spirit of only one of these flies was that he wasn't done replenishing his mana power yet. After taking one of these flies´ soul, he now only possessed one mana power out of four.

This information allowed him to understand more about the skill, however, it also raised more questions.

¨Will it consumes two mana power every time? How much would it consume if it's a higher leveled monster?¨ Niko wondered as three translucent orbs orbited his body.

The orbs that orbited his body never moved in the same direction as it was always floating in different positions and ways. Niko looked strange with these things floating around him, making him look like a god-like being.

Niko probed Maria and found out her skill was called, [Silver Trapping Net], which if it the name spoke for the skill, trapping a monster would be extremely useful.

After more time of waiting, the trees swayed. However, this time it swayed much less than before as sever been looking monsters flew out. These bees were slightly bigger than the flies and almost the size of a big dog.

The bee didn't look like any normal bee seen on earth, as its body was extremely strange. The abdomen of the bee possessed a strange metallic gear that was attached to the back. The gear was surrounded by a chain that connected to the stinger. The stinger was half the length of the abdomen as it also looked metallic. The stinger seemed to be connected to the bee's body via a weird pipe union. The wings were also much bigger than the ones on earth and their legs much smaller and closer towards their bodies. Other than the metallic color, the bee was yellow and black and its wings translucent.

One of the bees began to fly over and everyone was quickly preparing themselves. The bee was much slower than the fly monster which made people warier as they didn't know that the bee monster could do. Making a buzzing sound, the bee monster approached slowly.

Suddenly, the bee stopped in mid-air. Still flapping its wings it turned to the side to look towards Louis who was making hand movements towards it.


The large stinger of the bee flew towards Louis with an extreme speed, like a bullet. The chain that was connected to the stinger followed the stinger as it was connected to it and the gear rotates quickly.

Louis´ eyes widened as he quickly moved in panic.


He moved to the side as quick as he could, no longer showing the confidence of before, however, he could still feel pain on his side.

Looking down he notices blood dripping down from just below his right rib cage. The cut wasn't deep as the stinger barely missed him.

Even though the stinger scratched his side, it was still painful as Louis crouched down holding his side. If Louis was even slightly slower, the stinger would have impaled his body completely.

The gear on the bee began to move to make metallic sounds, and as it moved, the chain connected to the stinger began to pull the stinger back towards the bee.

Seeing this Niko was quick to think, ¨Maria, use your skill on it now! It's reloading! Simon can you use your skill to heal Louis?¨

¨I can't! I need to wait a bit longer!¨ Simon spoke with worry.

Maria ran up and used her skill.

[Silver Trapping Net]

Maria extended her arm and opened her hand, and from her palm a metal like net flew out and grew as it approached the bee, completely swallowing it.

As it was completely enveloped by the net, the bee fell from the sky as it´s gear was unable to move and pull the stinger back.

Niko began to move the spirits towards the bee and after it approached the bee began to beat on the bee ferociously. It was similar to how the fly monsters were getting stomped on, however, this time it was the orbs turning the bee into mush, ultimately killing it.

Niko approached the bee and used his skill on it. The reason he was excited at this moment, was because this was a monster he himself had killed, meaning summoning it would be much better than summoning a weak spirit.

[Spirit King's Order]

An aura surrounded the dead bee and just like the other spirits, something came out. The spirit that came out of the bee was a complete replica of the bee, unlike the obs from before. The only difference between the spirit and the actual bee was the translucent green body of the spirit. Although different shape, the bee possessed the same color and looks like the weak spirits.

Niko was completely ecstatic as this bee was a much better upgrade. Although the original bee was still a low level, since he killed it, the potential will be a higher level higher than it was.

Suddenly, his face changed as he turned towards Louis. He ran towards him and said, ¨How is it?¨

Louis sat on the floor grabbing his side as he spoke, ¨It's not too deep but it hurts like hell! Thankfully my skill allows me to be extremely fast.¨

Niko nodded and looked towards Simon who looked back and nodded.

Once more, a huge dirt and grass candle appeared from the ground near Louis as it lit up into blue flames and began to heal Louis slowly. The cut began to close, however, once it reached a certain point it stopped healing, leaving behind a small cut.

Louis thanked Simon as he stood up.

Niko turned to look at the spirit of the bee following him.