Safe Place

¨Name.¨ A bored male voice spoke towards Niko. This male was extremely overweight and beneath his first chin were several others. People who saw him wondered how he survived thus far, but after witnessing so much in this world they were no longer surprised. The fat man sat behind a counter that separated him from others. On his hand was a thin stone tablet and whenever someone answered his questions, he would raise his hand and place it over the tablet making it glow green. After taking his hand off, there would be information on the tablet regarding that person. The fat man´s skill was called, [Light Information Copy ], which was another strange name, however, the skill made sense in some ways.

¨Niko.¨ Niko responded. By this point he was tired, his skinny body felt heavy and his eyelids struggled to stay up, this was the same for everyone here.

¨Full name.¨ The fat man looked at Niko as if he was annoyed.

¨Niko Lazar.¨ Niko responded once more.

The fat man then followed up with questions regarding his age, the place where he lived before being summoned, the use of his skill and other things as such. Afterward, the man raised his big hand over a thin stone tablet and after it glowed green information on Niko was on it. He placed the tablet on the side and told Niko to enter the room to the right.

Niko didn't bother saying anything else as he just walked towards the room on the left.

The room was huge as the inside was mostly stone, with wooden pillars here and there as well as many lanterns, there was also something that Niko couldn't help but feel relieved at seeing. Beds. There were about one hundred beds spread out through this huge room and a few have been taken by those who went through the fat man beforehand. Some of these people went straight to sleep as they laid on the bed like rocks.

Niko picked a bed and sat on it. The people he had met were not here yet, therefore, he sat on the desk and thought about the events that have occurred so far. This was the first real time that he was able to properly think. He felt himself sadden as he thought about all of the online friends and theorists he had met, as well as all of the games and shows he played and watched. He was confident that his online friends would do well as being summoned was a possibility they had theorized, along with being abducted by aliens and many other things.

Although Niko was sad of all of the things that he would miss about Earth, he was stepping closer and closer to finding the most important person in his life, his sister. Niko just wanted to get stronger, to allow himself to find her.

Looking at himself, Niko just now began to realize how dirty he was. Although he didn't physically fight anyone his old black clothes that he wore on Earth were either ripped in some parts or extremely dirty. He didn't know how some of these things came to be, however, he understood that he was paying little to no attention to his own clothes ever since he was summoned.

¨Niko! Did you see that guy? What a weird skill that was, and do they keep information on everyone?¨ Simon walked over as he was adjusting his glasses. He chose a bed next to Niko and sat on it.

After Niko heard Simon speak, gears in his mind began to work as he thought of something, ¨Could they have information on my sister!?¨ After all of this, he would surely look for that fat man to find the truth.

¨Yeah, there doesn't seem like there is a limit to the type of skill.¨ Niko spoke as he was beginning to lay down on his bed. The bed wasn't too comfortable, however, it was enough.

¨I thought that too! There could even be a skill to grow a second nose! Haha!¨ Simon laughed at himself.

Suddenly, ¨You sure can keep smiling after all that has happened huh?¨ Louis who had now just came in walked to a nearby bed.

¨Why would I be sad? This is what I've dreamt of my whole life! Although I could do with a little less blood, I don't mind. Also, what will sadness do for me? It surely won't take me back to Earth!¨ Simon responded.

Louis smiled and said, ¨That makes sense.¨

Over time more people came in and a few beds were taken, some people laid and slept while others were seen crying to themselves.

¨I don't know much about games, but are there any natives to this world in which we can take quests from?¨ Marta as she laid on her bed facing upwards.

¨Who knows…¨ Niko said lazily as he also laid facing upwards. Above him was the small orb spirit from the mantis which floated above him. Following its lonely movements, Niko's eyelids became heavier and heavier, to the point where he could no longer hold it up.

Hours went by and Niko was awakened by the sound of chatting. Rubbing his eyes, Niko moved his body upwards as he sat up slightly. Looking around he was surprised to see that there were much more people than the amount before he had slept.

¨Finally awake huh?¨ Louis said jokingly.

¨How long did I sleep for?¨ Niko was curious.

Simon scratched his chin and said, ¨None of us have a watch, I'm guessing a few hours maybe, and these people came while we slept, they are also new survivors.¨

Niko nodded as he finally understood where these people came from, naturally, there had to be more people as thousands were summoned along with him. These people were as diverse as when he was first summoned as many talked to one another or grieved.

Suddenly three men in the same kind of armor Marcos was wearing came through the entrance of where everyone had come in from. One was a short guy whose body was wide and bulky, his neck looked nonexistent as a hood covered his head, only revealing parts of his mouth. Another man was tall and skinny, however, one could tell that muscles would be prominent on his body if he took the armor off. HIs hair was blonde and his looks above average. On his back was a bow as well as a quill full of arrows. Lastly was a young man, maybe in his late teens who held his chin high as if everyone in the room was below him. This teen had short hair and his head was oval shaped. His features were could be considered average as nothing on him looked to be amazing.

As these three entered everyone turned to look towards them. Even those who were grieving had to stop and look at the three.

The three men´s faces possessed huge smiles as they observed those in front of him.

¨Good! Very good! Welcome everyone!¨ The tall blonde man said loudly so that everyone in the room could hear. He took a step forward and held a righteous stature as he continued speaking, ¨I presume those who brought you here has explained to you about the world! If you all have made this far, you are all elite human beings who were the most courageous of the bunch! This is by far the most human beings that have survived ever since the first ones!¨

Once again hearing this Niko's heart began to beat extremely quickly, his sister was amongst those first summoned, she could still be alive!

¨As you may know, this settlement was created by humans for the humans who have been summoned from Earth. This settlement is a place where every human can come together and fight for survival! Although this world might be lawless, there are clear laws within this settlement. Laws almost like the laws on Earth with a slight adjustment. We aren't here to explain to you the world but other subjects.¨ The blond man paused as he inspected the reactions of the people.

¨From here on you have three choices, and you should all make these choices carefully.¨ The blond man almost made it sound like a threat, ¨In the settlement, you can either be a normal citizen, a mercenary or a protector. As a protector, you will be protecting the settlement from any enemies. Protectors receive resources and help from the higher-ups of the settlement and are groomed and guided towards a more successful future. Protectors also live in better places up the mountain. Going up the mountain is forbidden unless you are a protector or a higher up. You will have to follow certain special laws as a protector. As a protector, you are to follow orders from the higher ups without talking back, however, worry not, you will only need to follow the higher-ups until you reach level fifteen, and from there on you are no longer required to stay as a protector.¨

Niko shook his head inwardly. Although number wise fifteen does not seem like a lot, it could take years to get to that level, besides, he could not trust other people to help him reach that level either. As someone with a seed skill gem, he already possessed a certain road he would take, therefore, other people's help was meaningless. The only help he might need would be grouping with others, however, he possessed spirits. Spirits that followed his will and that wouldn't stab him in the back.

¨Next are the mercenaries. These guys will not receive any support from the higher-ups, however, for a month they will be allowed to live in one of our noob apartments near the east gate without paying. After a month they will have to leave and rent a room elsewhere in the settlement. They are also required to aid the protectors in defending the settlement as long as they live here. As a mercenary you make a living by taking missions with other people and completing them, these people are random people who took the mission with you.¨

Niko smiled. To him, this was the ideal decision, he wanted to run some tests with his power and he didn't want to be chained down by other people. He hated being the chess piece of those in power, he would rather get that power himself. Especially now that he needed that power to find his sister.

¨Lastly, there are the normal citizens. The people do not receive any benefit and they are almost like mercenaries, however, they will neither have a month free of housing or will they have to defend the settlement. Mind you that a normal citizen, possess a 95% mortality rate. Of course, that is for those who decided to leave the settlement. As a citizen, you will receive a common job and not leave this settlement at all... If you want to live.¨

Everyone's heart sunk as this news struck them like an avalanche. That mortality rate was just too high. Who would be stupid enough to choose that?

Niko wasn't stupid, he understood that choosing such choice was suicide, as of right now he needed to be as free and protected as possible and a mercenary is the best choice.

The blonde man then said, ¨You have thirty minutes to make your choice, we will be waiting. If you make your choice to be a protector before the thirty minutes you can come up, if you made your choice as something else, wait.¨