Sad Truth

Niko and the others continued running farther away from the settlement. Fatigue hit them hard but the will to live on another day kept them moving. They were all still confused in regards of the sudden appearance of all of these monsters, but there is so much that they don't know about in this new world, that there was no way for them to properly understand the events that had occurred.

"There has to be a reason for the sudden appearance!" The man with the draconic tail spoke, with a hind of anger and regret in his voice. His name was Kyle, an American accountant from the United States. The woman was called Andrea who was also from the United States, whilst the old man, Fumito, was a Japanese businessman. The three used to be four, but the missing person was killed in the recent attacks as they escaped.

"This world is too mysterious, there is no way to know unless we ask the protectors directly, and I doubt that will happen any time soon." The old Japanese man states with a frown. His face was permanently stuck with a frown, most likely due to the events that happened, but everyone else was also showing their displeasure through their facial features.

They continued to run through the forest, after a while of running, suddenly a voice was heard…

"Wait!" A voice came from the side, between two trees.

As everyone quickly turns their heads, a man holding a short sword walks out with sweat, and dirt all over his body. He wore a leather helmet as well as leather boots, and the arm opposite to the arm which held the short sword was covered in blood as it hung there on his side.

Seeing this Niko felt conflicted, he knew why this guy was approaching, and it was most likely to join them, however, due to the Injury, Niko was reluctant to accept someone who could bring them down. He looked towards the others who were also looking at each other.

Should he completely abandon these feelings? The feelings that made him human? Would these earthly feelings be of any use in this world at all?

Ivanich clenches his fist with an apologetic look and says, "Listen, we can't-"

"No!" A voice came from behind as everyone turned.

Candreva walks forward with his hairy chest out and confidence on his dirty face, "No! We cannot leave someone behind! We are manly people who need to be courageous! If we don't help one of our own, we are no different than those cowardly protectors!"

Silence filled the air, after Candreva's statement.

"Eh?" Niko never expected Candreva to be like this. This was a side of him he had never seen before.

"Fine, but if you can't catch up, understand we are not at fault!" Ivanic spoke.

The man nodded, as he understood his position and the situation he was putting everyone in. He walked towards them, but it was evident he was hurt, and if the blood all over his body did not give it away, the way he walked surely did.

Candreva looked at the man and said, "Do you need my help to walk?"

The man gave Candreva a thankful look and nodded slightly.

"Worry not, I'm manly and strong!" Candreva smiled showing his white teeth and as he was going to pick the man up, Fumito interrupts, "We have run for a while, we can rest for a bit. What do you guys think?" He looked towards Niko and his group, and Niko agreed.

His body was not strong, and although he had amazing skills, he was still not as strong as everyone else strength wise. He was already tired and sweaty from the escape.

Finding a tree, they set beneath it breathing hard, as it was evident they were all fatigued.

"What is our plan?" Andrea spoke, looking at everyone else.

"I would suggest moving to another layer, where it can be safer…" Kyle gave his opinion.

"I agree… But there is a huge problem, and that is the fact that the closest safe place from here is around this mountain." Ivanic pointed towards the mountain which they were almost at the foot of.

Niko knew this mountain from the stories that Ivanic had told them, and they knew that at the top of that mountain, lied a dungeon, which no one has ever returned from.

"Seems like the only option… Who are you by the way?" Kyle pointed towards the man who had taken off his helm to a reveal light brown short hair.

"Ah… Hi! Thank you very much for saving me…" As he said this he gave a meaningful look at Candreva, "My name is Eitan… I was in a group consisting of Israeli people from earth, as some of the people I know were summoned here, even my brother but…" Eitan looked down with a painful expression.

Niko's heart also felt strange, as he understood how he would feel if his sister were to have the same fate as Eitan's brother.

"Those damned pigs!" Zheng cursed, feeling anger.

"It wasn't those pigs…" Tears began to roll down his face, creating a trail through the dirty parts of his cheeks.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at him with confusion.

"It was those damn Protectors!" He gave a low growl as he spoke. Anyone hearing this could feel the anger and pain within.

"Protectors…?" Niko murmured loud enough for Eitan to hear.

"Yes. We saw them running up the mountain to save themselves! We went after them and begged for help! Instead…. Instead they attacked us! They attacked us and told us to go clear up some of the pigs so they can finish it up! Those bastards!" Unlike before, the tears falling from his eyes were much faster and more abundant.

"My brother… He was cut in half after refusing to leave and continuing to beg… Those monsters… They killed everyone!" He covered his eyes with his arm, as he attempted to clean his face, however, he only made it much dirtier.

The mood in the group had dropped completely. Knowing this piece of information made them feel so many things. They simply could not understand the motive behind all of this. Did the protectors know something they didn't? Why would they do such a thing to other humans? Why kill your own kind? This information left them with more questions than answers.

Breaking the dead mood Ivanic spoke with a grim face, "Let's go. Time to move out."