
As Niko had selected the "Territory" option in the screen something appeared that made him amazed. There was a map on the screen that looked exactly like the "Map" option, with one exception, you could see different colors, the whole map to a certain distance, and strange badges over certain areas.

As Niko was going to zoom in, something strange appeared.


The same sound echoed through his mind as a screen appeared. The screen had words written on it that said, "Due to owning a territory, you can create a 'Clan' Please choose a name."

Niko was taken aback by seeing this. A guild? This was odd, but Niko went on with it, it doesn't seem to be any other options for him other than placing a name and continuing, therefore, he taught for a second and simply placed, "Dark Hope" and continued.

Why Dark Hope? He was the hope for his sister who has been in this world for way too long. If she was still there he wanted to be one to protect and save her. He knew that the road towards her salvation would be dark, as he had experienced many dark things already. Therefore, Dark Hope seemed to be the best bet.

After claiming that name, a screen showing a customization for a flag appeared. After some time, he finally chose a flag with a black background surrounded by golden trimming, and in the middle was a ghastly skull that seemed to fade into darkness. The badge was perfect for him, therefore after he chose it, something amazing happened.

"Woah!" Ivanic looked around in awe, turning his body slowly as he observed his surroundings.

After picking the flag the inner castle began to change. Their furniture began to follow the color scheme of the flag he had just created, gold, black, and dark green. There were also some Gonfalon banners here and there hanging, with the flag on it.

"What is this?" Ivanic asked in awe, then suddenly stepped back in confusion, "Clan?" He asked as suddenly, his plain robes began to change. A flag appeared on the side of his arm, as well as the left side of his chest and back. The flag was the same flag that Niko had created, and this change did not only happen to Ivanic as it happened to Niko as well.

'Seems like there are some perks to this!' Niko thought to himself with a smile as he observed the surroundings as well.

"Invite the others too!" Ivanic was excited.

Niko shook his head and explained that those who wished to be invited needed to be near him, to receive the invitation. As Niko spoke, however, his mind did not wander from the map in front of him. At this moment, his flag was above a part of the map. There was a shade that was the same color as his flag spread out throughout. What surprised Niko the most was that other than his flag and his colors there were five other colors and flags.

The first one he noticed was almost right next to him, there was a blue and green ball on a white background. This territory and flag seemed to belong to a clan called. "Tera" which Niko presumed was the place he had just fled from. Tera's colors conflicted with his as they were next to each other.

This caused many questions to rise in his mind, but at the moment, he was too focused on the other territories.

The next territory was called "Sword Peak", and there was a lone purple sword in the center of a black background. Niko was also concluding that this was the territory of the old monster everyone in the settlement spoke of.

Other than these two there was another one that caught Niko's eyes, and that was a territory to the west. The territory was called "Pigs Den", and Niko began to plug in some of the dots, however, he didn't quite understand why this clan and Tera would be in a battle? Why did Tera not warn anyone? In Fact, the biggest thing that has been bothering him for a while has been the peculiar feeling he possessed in regards to humans not being the only race in this world. Surely those pig, Orc things had to be some kind of race. They seemed quite intelligent. If that is the case, where do these races come from? Why are they all here?

This was a strange situation that Niko still needed to understand, in addition, the pig clan was not that close to the settlement anyway. "Odd... " Niko murmured as he continued looking. A pig's head and two axes forming an "X" behind the head were the features of the pink and green flag, which to Niko was hideous.

There were two others and they were "The Church of Bati" to the east, and the clan called, "Green Alliance" to the north. The Church or Bati had a flag that consisted of two hands clasped together surrounded by four golden wings, in a white background, whilst the latter clan consisted of a dark green tree in the center of a light green background. Niko had no information regarding these clan, and as of this moment he was unaware of any extra features of this screen, however, he definitely planned on learning more.

At this moment something else came to his mind, and that was what he would do? Niko pondered, 'There seems to be some kind of conflicts between different territories in this world, I am sure these other territories will make a move on mine… Should I lay low and try to act quietly? No! They might think I am weak, and like this, I will get nowhere in this world. They need to fear me! I want power, I want domination!"