
Once the toilet was placed Angela heard another ding but also realised she had made a rather large mistake - she had forgotten to account for the floor. Her face flushed in embarrassment as she quickly tried to distract herself by looking at the new notification since the toilet is already made there is no use regretting it anyways.

[Achievement: my first blueprint, reward: +0.1 anima/h, tool creation unlocked]

The first achievement had given anima/h so Angela wasn't surprised about that but the mention of tool creation intrigued her, she quickly opened it up to try and find a solution to her mistake.


pencil: 0.2 anima

serrated knife: 1 anima

mortar and pestle: 1.2 anima

saw: 3 anima

woodcutters axe: 5 anima]

Sadly the saw, which was most suitable for the job, was far to expensive at 3 anima. The knife on the other hand was much more affordable, if less effective. Angela was desperate as she didn't know how soon she would need use of the toilet and thus decided to get the knife.

After 4 hours of waiting, Angela finally had enough anima to purchase the knife, leaving her once again with a measly 0.2 left over. "I really have to find a way to get more" she mumbles to herself as she inspects her new purchase.

The knife was bigger than she had expected with a blade roughly the size of half a forearm.

The teeth looked sharp and glinted in the light. "Wait" Angela said, confusion evident on her face, "If the outside is a void, and there is no light source inside the room, then where is the light coming from". Angela is surprised that she had not noticed this before now and, indeed, it was quite puzzling.

With this new revelation Angela decides to inspect the room she is in once more. She inspects each board individually but, after almost an hour of searching, she still cannot find the source of the light and sits on her bed, dazed.

After a short time Angela suddenly bounces up, "well" she says to herself "there's no point thinking about it if I can't understand it". She grabs the knife and starts to work on sawing a hole in the floor and after 20 minutes she manages to cut a rough hole in the floor and gets another 0.3 anima whilst working.

Now all that's left is to drag the toilet into place, which was easier said than done as its weight was almost the same as a person. Huffing and puffing Angela slowly inches the toilet over to the hole, despairing at her lack of strength.

Eventually, after the most intense bout of exercise Angela has had in years, the toilet is in the right position and Angela, muscles burning, flops onto the bed.