The Runeblades

Angela groggily wakes up, her muscles still groaning from the torture she put them through yesterday. The fog in her head clears and she realises what an un-dainty position she was in, springing to her feet with an awkward expression. Thankfully the pain recedes quickly as the torn muscles bind together due to her regeneration and she can continue with her plans.

Angela's strength is still woefully inadequate; something that could only be changed with intense training or a lot of physical exercise. Though she didn't want to feel like she did yesterday Angela still had to practice, especially since she needed to outfit the drones as well.

After cleaning her clothes and washing herself, Angela goes back into her work forging; though this time she makes sure to stop when she begins to feel sore. Her first few blades were slightly worse than the one from yesterday but she quickly improves; needing less time and effort per blade.

By the time she is starting to ache Angela has amassed 4 blades; the same number of attempts she made yesterday. Despite working on the same number of blades Angela doesn't feel remotely as tired as she had the previous day. Her muscles couldn't have completely evolved from just that short period of work so it must be due to the proficiency in her hammering; though the regeneration probably helped.

With several blades crafted Angela can move on to figuring out how to modify the runes to work for the blades. The first thing she does is try the same runes on a hilt with a galladium core surrounded my tightly coiled metal wire, something she can make in the blueprint editor. She doesn't attach it to one of her blades in case the rune backfires but instead creates a small, weaker blade using the blueprint editor. The blueprint editor was great for creating the rough shape but the blades it made tended to be weak for some reason, this was actually a boon for Angela as if the rune backfires the blade will break before it causes Angela any harm.

With a safe way of testing new rune combinations Angela's rate of improvement skyrockets. Though most of the attempts fail completely, some produce the desired results; though at a weaker efficiency. With a base to stand on Angela can slowly improve the efficacy as the hard part of finding the right line of thought is the truly hard part.

After many combinations and many disappointments Angela finally has the right rune combination and makes a slightly more fancy cross guard to showcase it. After that it is a simple matter to combine the guard and the blade, forming her first sword.

Eager to test it out, Angela rushes to see Lenora, planning to show off. When she gets to the hive, rather than the smile she was expecting, Lenara instead had a worried expression on her face. Suddenly she realised why. For the first time in several weeks she had forgotten to visit for their daily chat.

Apologising profusely, Angela flies down and gives Lenara a hug; If It had been her in Lenara's shoes and Charlotte that had forgotten to come it wouldn't end just at being worried. It's only after Angela shows her the sword that Lenara's expression begins to soften, turning to a more bemused smile as Angela shows off her new creation.

The bemused expression quickly changes to shock as Angela shows off what her sword can do, easily slicing through solid stone without the slightest bit of damage to the blade. Though the current drones couldn't hold a blade, making modifications to them so that they could would be easy; Lenara can only imagine what a full squad equipped with these blades could do.

After showing of the blade Angela stays to chat, leaving only after a couple hours had passed. Her muscles appear to be healed again and so she makes a couple blades before inscribing the ones she has. The rate at which her muscles can heal allow her to train much faster than a normal person.

She stares at the row of swords proudly, plans beginning to formulate in her mind. Those plans could wait however and she was once again getting sleepy. With ideas still swirling in her mind, Angela falls asleep.

The time comes to discuss her plans with Lenara. Flying over first thing after she gets ready, Angela quickly goes over her plans with Lenara who nods her head in agreement. The idea is to expand to the nearest island, somewhere that will give more space to the hive and allow their ranks to swell. This will be extremely useful to Angela as she needs a lot of manpower for her various projects as well as for fighting the island defenders.

Lenara needs a couple more days to make the necissary modifications which also gives angela plenty of time to make additional swords. The two set a time to be ready and then part ways, each carrying out their individual tasks.